Class CompositeMaxDurationTrigger

    • Constructor Detail

      • CompositeMaxDurationTrigger

        public CompositeMaxDurationTrigger()
      • CompositeMaxDurationTrigger

        public CompositeMaxDurationTrigger​(Date maxDurationTimestamp,
                                           Trigger timerTrigger)
    • Method Detail

      • hasNextFireTime

        public Date hasNextFireTime()
        Description copied from interface: Trigger
        This method is used to query the trigger about the existence of a possible next fire time, but WITHOUT changing any internal state of the trigger. In other words, this method MUST not have side effects. As an analogy, if a trigger was a stack, this method would be the equivalent of a "peek()" call.
        Specified by:
        hasNextFireTime in interface Trigger
        the Date of the next fire time or null if there is no next fire time.
      • nextFireTime

        public Date nextFireTime()
        Description copied from interface: Trigger
        This method returns the date of the next fire time and updates the internal state of the Trigger to the following fire time if one exists. As an analogy, if a trigger was a stack, this method would be the equivalent of a "pop()" call.
        Specified by:
        nextFireTime in interface Trigger
        the Date of the next fire time or null if there is no next fire time.
      • getTimerCurrentDate

        public Date getTimerCurrentDate()
      • setTimerCurrentDate

        public void setTimerCurrentDate​(Date timerCurrentDate)
      • getTimerTrigger

        public Trigger getTimerTrigger()
      • setTimerTrigger

        public void setTimerTrigger​(Trigger timerTrigger)
      • getMaxDurationTimestamp

        public Date getMaxDurationTimestamp()
      • setMaxDurationTimestamp

        public void setMaxDurationTimestamp​(Date maxDurationTimestamp)