Class AbstractPersistenceContextManager

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractPersistenceContextManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class manages JpaPersistenceContext objects, and the underlying persistence context (EntityManager) instances for a persistent KieSession and other infrastructure classes that use persistence in KIE projects.

    (For reference in the following documentation: the EntityManager is the class used to represent a persistence context)

    There are 2 issues to take into account when looking at or modifying the code here:
    1. One of the features made available here is the ability for the user to supply their own (Command Scoped) persistence context for use by the KieSession
    2. However, significant race-conditions arise when a Command Scoped persistence context is used in one persistent KieSession by multiple threads. In other words, when multiple threads call operations on a Singleton persistent KieSession.
    This class uses ThreadLocal instances for two things:
    1. The internal Command Scoped EntityManager instance.
    • Field Detail

      • env

        protected final org.kie.api.runtime.Environment env
      • emf

        protected final javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory emf
      • txm

        protected final org.drools.persistence.api.TransactionManager txm
      • appScopedEntityManager

        protected volatile javax.persistence.EntityManager appScopedEntityManager
      • cmdScopedEntityManager

        protected volatile javax.persistence.EntityManager cmdScopedEntityManager
      • internalAppScopedEntityManagerFlag

        protected volatile boolean internalAppScopedEntityManagerFlag
      • internalCmdScopedEntityManagerFlag

        protected volatile boolean internalCmdScopedEntityManagerFlag
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractPersistenceContextManager

        public AbstractPersistenceContextManager​(org.kie.api.runtime.Environment env)
    • Method Detail

      • getApplicationScopedEntityManager

        public javax.persistence.EntityManager getApplicationScopedEntityManager()
      • getCommandScopedEntityManager

        public javax.persistence.EntityManager getCommandScopedEntityManager()
      • endCommandScopedEntityManager

        public void endCommandScopedEntityManager()
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
      • resetApplicationScopedPersistenceContext

        public void resetApplicationScopedPersistenceContext()
      • getInternalCommandScopedEntityManager

        protected javax.persistence.EntityManager getInternalCommandScopedEntityManager()