Class DataProviderCompiler

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class DataProviderCompiler
    extends Object
    An object of this class acts as a template compiler, inserting spreadsheet data into templates. Template data may come from a resource or an InputStream, or you may provide a TemplateDataListener.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataProviderCompiler

        public DataProviderCompiler()
    • Method Detail

      • compile

        public String compile​(DataProvider dataProvider,
                              String template)
        Generates DRL from a data provider for the spreadsheet data and templates.
        dataProvider - the data provider for the spreadsheet data
        template - the string containing the template resource name
        the generated DRL text as a String
      • compile

        public String compile​(DataProvider dataProvider,
                              InputStream templateStream)
        Generates DRL from a data provider for the spreadsheet data and templates.
        dataProvider - the data provider for the spreadsheet data
        templateStream - the InputStream for reading the templates
        the generated DRL text as a String
      • compile

        public String compile​(DataProvider dataProvider,
                              TemplateDataListener listener)
        Generates DRL from a data provider for the spreadsheet data and templates.
        dataProvider - the data provider for the spreadsheet data
        listener - a template data listener
        the generated DRL text as a String
      • compile

        public String compile​(DataProvider dataProvider,
                              String template,
                              boolean replaceOptionals)
        Generates DRL from a data provider for the spreadsheet data and templates.
        dataProvider - the data provider for the spreadsheet data
        template - the string containing the template resource name
        the generated DRL text as a String
      • compile

        public String compile​(DataProvider dataProvider,
                              InputStream templateStream,
                              boolean replaceOptionals)
        Generates DRL from a data provider for the spreadsheet data and templates.
        dataProvider - the data provider for the spreadsheet data
        templateStream - the InputStream for reading the templates
        the generated DRL text as a String
      • compile

        public String compile​(DataProvider dataProvider,
                              TemplateDataListener listener,
                              boolean replaceOptionals)
        Generates DRL from a data provider for the spreadsheet data and templates.
        dataProvider - the data provider for the spreadsheet data
        listener - a template data listener
        the generated DRL text as a String
      • newCell

        public void newCell​(List<DataListener> listeners,
                            int row,
                            int column,
                            String value,
                            int mergedColStart)
      • closeStream

        protected void closeStream​(InputStream stream)