Class Rule

    • Constructor Detail

      • Rule

        public Rule​(String name,
                    Integer salience,
                    int spreadsheetRow)
        Create a new rule. Note that the rule name should be post-fixed with the row number, as one way of providing tracability for errors back to the originating spreadsheet.
        name - The name of the rule. This may be used to calculate DRL row error to Spreadsheet row error (just need to keep track of output lines, and map spreadsheetRow to a start and end range in the rendered output).
        salience -
        spreadsheetRow - The phyical row number from the spreadsheet.
    • Method Detail

      • addMetadata

        public void addMetadata​(String meta)
      • addCondition

        public void addCondition​(Condition con)
      • addConsequence

        public void addConsequence​(Consequence con)
      • setName

        public void setName​(String value)
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String value)
      • appendDescription

        public void appendDescription​(String value)
      • getSpreadsheetRowNumber

        public int getSpreadsheetRowNumber()
        The row in the spreadsheet this represents. This can be handy when mapping a line error from Parser back to the rule row. Will need to have a map of ranges of line numbers that each rule covers. Then can find out the rule that cause it, and this will give the row number to report.