Class SnippetBuilder

  • public class SnippetBuilder
    extends Object
    This utility class exists to convert rule script snippets to actual code. The snippets contain place holders for values to be substituted into. See the test case for how it really works !

    Snippet template example: "something.getBlah($param)" $param is the "place holder". This will get replaced with the "cellValue" that is passed in.

    12-Oct-2005 change: moved from regex to using simple character based interpolation. Regex was overkill and couldn't not quite get it right.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SnippetBuilder

        public SnippetBuilder​(String snippetTemplate)
        snippetTemplate - The snippet including the "place holder" for a parameter. If no "place holder" is present,
      • SnippetBuilder

        public SnippetBuilder​(String snippetTemplate,
                              boolean trim)
    • Method Detail

      • build

        public String build​(String cellValue)
        cellValue - The value from the cell to populate the snippet with. If no place holder exists, will just return the snippet.
        The final snippet.