Class DefaultTemplateRuleBase

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultTemplateRuleBase
    extends Object
    implements TemplateRuleBase
    Create a rule base for the set of rule templates in the TemplateContainer. These rules are used internally by the engine to generate the actual decision table rules based on which columns have been filled in.

    Basically, if a rule template requires columns A and B then the template rule base will generate a rule with columns A and B as the LHS and a RHS which triggers the rule to be generated. ie. rule "template1" when r : Row() column1 : Column(name == "column1") Cell(row == r, column == column1) column2 : Column(name == "column2") Cell(row == r, column == column2, value == "xyz") then generator.generate( "template1", r); end