Class FilteredItemsResource

  • @Path("/filtered-items")
    public class FilteredItemsResource
    extends Resource
    • Field Detail

      • itemService

        protected org.dspace.content.service.ItemService itemService
      • metadataFieldService

        protected org.dspace.content.service.MetadataFieldService metadataFieldService
      • metadataSchemaService

        protected org.dspace.content.service.MetadataSchemaService metadataSchemaService
      • collectionService

        protected org.dspace.content.service.CollectionService collectionService
      • siteService

        protected org.dspace.content.service.SiteService siteService
    • Constructor Detail

      • FilteredItemsResource

        public FilteredItemsResource()
    • Method Detail

      • getItemQuery

        public ItemFilter getItemQuery​(@QueryParam("expand")
                                       String expand,
                                       @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("100")
                                       Integer limit,
                                       @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0")
                                       Integer offset,
                                       String user_ip,
                                       String user_agent,
                                       String xforwardedfor,
                                       @QueryParam("filters") @DefaultValue("is_item,all_filters")
                                       String filters,
                                       @QueryParam("query_field[]") @DefaultValue("dc.title")
                                       List<String> query_field,
                                       @QueryParam("query_op[]") @DefaultValue("exists")
                                       List<String> query_op,
                                       @QueryParam("query_val[]") @DefaultValue("")
                                       List<String> query_val,
                                       @QueryParam("collSel[]") @DefaultValue("")
                                       List<String> collSel,
                                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                       javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
        Return instance of collection with passed id. You can add more properties through expand parameter.
        expand - String in which is what you want to add to returned instance of collection. Options are: "all", "parentCommunityList", "parentCommunity", "items", "license" and "logo". If you want to use multiple options, it must be separated by commas.
        limit - Limit value for items in list in collection. Default value is 100.
        offset - Offset of start index in list of items of collection. Default value is 0.
        user_ip - User's IP address.
        user_agent - User agent string (specifies browser used and its version).
        xforwardedfor - When accessed via a reverse proxy, the application sees the proxy's IP as the source of the request. The proxy may be configured to add the "X-Forwarded-For" HTTP header containing the original IP of the client so that the reverse-proxied application can get the client's IP.
        filters - Comma separated list of Item Filters to use to evaluate against the items in a collection
        query_field - List of metadata fields to evaluate in a metadata query. Each list value is used in conjunction with a query_op and query_field.
        query_op - List of metadata operators to use in a metadata query. Each list value is used in conjunction with a query_field and query_field.
        query_val - List of metadata values to evaluate in a metadata query. Each list value is used in conjunction with a query_value and query_op.
        collSel - List of collections to query.
        headers - If you want to access the collection as the user logged into the context. The value of the "rest-dspace-token" header must be set to the token received from the login method response.
        request - Servlet's HTTP request object.
        servletContext - Context of the servlet container.
        Return instance of collection. It can also return status code NOT_FOUND(404) if id of collection is incorrect or status code UNATHORIZED(401) if user has no permission to read collection.
        Throws: - It is thrown when was problem with database reading (SQLException) or problem with creating context(ContextException). It is thrown by NOT_FOUND and UNATHORIZED status codes, too.