Interface ConfigChangeListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ConfigChangeListener
    Allow a service to be notified when a configuration change occurs. This is primarily useful for when someone wants to make a configuration change when the system is already running without requiring a restart.

    This is a DSpace mixin, which means it will be triggered because this is a DSpace service or provider. The system will pick up on the fact that the java bean is implementing this interface and will take the appropriate actions; there is no need to register this listener.

    Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski @
    • Method Detail

      • notifyForConfigNames

        String[] notifyForConfigNames()
        Allows the listener to filter the change notifications so it is only notified when the named configuration items change. For example, if this method returns an array containing "upload.enabled" then whenever this configuration setting changes the listener will be called. If any other settings change the listener will not be called unless they are specific bean properties for this service (e.g. [email protected]). If you want to be notified when any configuration setting changes then simply return a null or an empty string and the listener will be called for every configuration update.
        an array of configuration string names (e.g. {"","upload.enabled"}) OR null/empty to be notified for every configuration setting that changes
      • configurationChanged

        void configurationChanged​(List<String> changedSettingNames,
                                  Map<String,​String> changedSettings)
        Called whenever the configuration settings change (depending on the filter). This will only be called once for each config update regardless of the number of settings that were actually changed.

        NOTE: This will strip off the beanName from any service property settings. Example: [email protected] => downloadEnabled

        changedSettingNames - includes the names of all settings that changed
        changedSettings - includes the map of all settings that changed