Interface ConfigurationService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ConfigurationService
    This service handles retrieval of the configuration data for a DSpace instance.

    The configuration files are properties files which look like this for simple values: = aaronz thing.number = 1234 thing.on = true thing.value = abc,def,ghi For these simple cases the service will automatically translate the settings into strings, booleans, numbers and arrays as requested in the various getPropertyAsType(String, Class) methods.

    There are special case configuration parameters allowed as well.

    The first allows setting of a parameter on any DSpace service by the given name: [email protected] = true [email protected] = aaronz This should be used sparingly and really only by system admins (not developers). Developers should be using simple config values to expose service configurations.

    The second allows controlling the implementation used for a service interface or provider: $org.dspace.Service = org.dspace.impl.MyService

    Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski @
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean addPropertyValue​(String name, Object value)
      Add a value to a configuration property.
      String[] getArrayProperty​(String name)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a String Array.
      String[] getArrayProperty​(String name, String[] defaultValue)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a String Array.
      boolean getBooleanProperty​(String name)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a boolean value.
      boolean getBooleanProperty​(String name, boolean defaultValue)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a boolean value.
      org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration getConfiguration()
      Convenience method - get entire configuration (settings) from the system.
      int getIntProperty​(String name)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as an int value.
      int getIntProperty​(String name, int defaultValue)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as an int value.
      long getLongProperty​(String name)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a long value.
      long getLongProperty​(String name, long defaultValue)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a long value.
      Properties getProperties()
      Convenience method - get all configuration properties (settings) from the system.
      String getProperty​(String name)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a String.
      String getProperty​(String name, String defaultValue)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a String.
      <T> T getPropertyAsType​(String name, Class<T> type)
      Get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a specified type.
      <T> T getPropertyAsType​(String name, T defaultValue)
      Get a configuration property (setting) from the system, or return a default value if none is found.
      <T> T getPropertyAsType​(String name, T defaultValue, boolean setDefaultIfNotFound)
      Get a configuration property (setting) from the system, or return (and possibly store) a default value if none is found.
      List<String> getPropertyKeys()
      Get keys all currently known configuration settings
      List<String> getPropertyKeys​(String prefix)
      Get keys all currently known configuration settings, which begin with a given prefix.
      Object getPropertyValue​(String name)
      Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as its stored object
      boolean hasProperty​(String name)
      Return whether a property exists within the configuration
      void reloadConfig()
      Reload the configuration from the DSpace configuration files.
      boolean setProperty​(String name, Object value)
      Set a configuration property (setting) in the system.
    • Method Detail

      • getPropertyAsType

        <T> T getPropertyAsType​(String name,
                                Class<T> type)
        Get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a specified type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - class type
        name - the property name
        type - the type to return the property as
        the property value OR null if none is found
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the type cannot be converted to the requested type
      • getPropertyAsType

        <T> T getPropertyAsType​(String name,
                                T defaultValue)
        Get a configuration property (setting) from the system, or return a default value if none is found.
        Type Parameters:
        T - class type
        name - the property name
        defaultValue - the value to return if this name is not found
        the property value OR null if none is found
        IllegalArgumentException - if the defaultValue type does not match the type of the property by name
      • getPropertyAsType

        <T> T getPropertyAsType​(String name,
                                T defaultValue,
                                boolean setDefaultIfNotFound)
        Get a configuration property (setting) from the system, or return (and possibly store) a default value if none is found.
        Type Parameters:
        T - class type
        name - the property name
        defaultValue - the value to return if this name is not found
        setDefaultIfNotFound - if this is true and the config value is not found then the default value will be set in the configuration store assuming it is not null. Otherwise the default value is just returned but not set.
        the property value OR null if none is found
        IllegalArgumentException - if the defaultValue type does not match the type of the property by name
      • getPropertyKeys

        List<String> getPropertyKeys()
        Get keys all currently known configuration settings
        all the configuration keys as a List
      • getPropertyKeys

        List<String> getPropertyKeys​(String prefix)
        Get keys all currently known configuration settings, which begin with a given prefix.

        For example, passing in "db" would return the keys "db.url", "db.username", etc.

        prefix - prefix of key
        all the configuration keys as a List
      • getProperty

        String getProperty​(String name)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a String.
        name - the property name
        the property value OR null if none is found
      • getProperty

        String getProperty​(String name,
                           String defaultValue)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a String.
        name - the property name
        defaultValue - default value if property not found
        the property value OR default value if not found
      • getArrayProperty

        String[] getArrayProperty​(String name)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a String Array.
        name - the property name
        the String Array value
      • getArrayProperty

        String[] getArrayProperty​(String name,
                                  String[] defaultValue)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a String Array.
        name - the property name
        defaultValue - the default value if property not found
        the String Array value or default value if not found
      • getBooleanProperty

        boolean getBooleanProperty​(String name)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a boolean value.
        name - the property name
        the boolean property value (true/false)
      • getBooleanProperty

        boolean getBooleanProperty​(String name,
                                   boolean defaultValue)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a boolean value.
        name - the property name
        defaultValue - the default value if property not found
        the boolean property value (true/false) or default value if not found
      • getIntProperty

        int getIntProperty​(String name)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as an int value.
        name - the property name
        the integer property value
      • getIntProperty

        int getIntProperty​(String name,
                           int defaultValue)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as an int value.
        name - the property name
        defaultValue - the default value if property not found
        the integer property value or default value if not found
      • getLongProperty

        long getLongProperty​(String name)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a long value.
        name - the property name
        the long property value
      • getLongProperty

        long getLongProperty​(String name,
                             long defaultValue)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as a long value.
        name - the property name
        defaultValue - the default value if property not found
        the long property value or default value if not found
      • getPropertyValue

        Object getPropertyValue​(String name)
        Convenience method - get a configuration property (setting) from the system as its stored object
        name - the property name
        the property value OR null if none is found
      • getProperties

        Properties getProperties()
        Convenience method - get all configuration properties (settings) from the system.
        all the configuration properties in a properties object (name to value)
      • getConfiguration

        org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration getConfiguration()
        Convenience method - get entire configuration (settings) from the system.
        Configuration object representing the system configuration
      • hasProperty

        boolean hasProperty​(String name)
        Return whether a property exists within the configuration
        name - the property name
        true if property exists, false if not
      • addPropertyValue

        boolean addPropertyValue​(String name,
                                 Object value)
        Add a value to a configuration property.
        name - the property name. May not be null.
        value - the property value. May not be null.
        true if a new property was created.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name or value is null.
      • setProperty

        boolean setProperty​(String name,
                            Object value)
        Set a configuration property (setting) in the system. Type is not important here since conversion happens automatically when properties are requested.
        name - the property name
        value - the property value (set this to null to clear out the property)
        true if the property is new or changed from the existing value, false if it is the same
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is null
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the type cannot be converted to something that is understandable by the system as a configuration property value
      • reloadConfig

        void reloadConfig()
        Reload the configuration from the DSpace configuration files.

        Uses the initialized ConfigurationService to reload all configurations.