Class RequestExecutor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class RequestExecutor
    extends Object
    implements Runnable
    This will execute a request and ensure that it closes even if the thing that is being executed (run) dies. It will appropriately end the request based on the result of the execution and can start a new request or tie into an existing request if there is one.

    This is also a Runnable so it can be used as a wrapper which allows something to be executed inside a request.

    Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski @
    • Constructor Detail

      • RequestExecutor

        public RequestExecutor​(RequestService requestService,
                               Runnable toExecute)
        Create an executor which can be used to execute the runnable within a request by calling the execute method. This will create a new request to execute the code in when the execute method is called. All parameters are required.
        requestService - the request service
        toExecute - the code to execute
        IllegalArgumentException - if the params are null
      • RequestExecutor

        public RequestExecutor​(RequestService requestService,
                               Runnable toExecute,
                               boolean useExistingRequestIfPossible)
        Create an executor which can be used to execute the runnable within a request by calling the execute method. All parameters are required.
        requestService - the request service
        toExecute - the code to execute
        useExistingRequestIfPossible - if true then this will try to attach to an existing request and will create a new request if none is found, if false it will create a new request to execute in
        IllegalArgumentException - if the params are null