Interface ServiceChangeListener

  • public interface ServiceChangeListener
    Allow a service to be notified when other services change. This is useful for keeping an eye on changing providers, filters, and other services which drop in and out.
    Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski @
    • Method Detail

      • notifyForTypes

        Class<?>[] notifyForTypes()
        Allows filtering so that notifications are only sent when classes implement one of the types specified. The listener method will only be called once regardless of how many types match.

        Just return null or empty array to be notified for all service registrations.

        an array of classes OR null to be notified of all service registrations
      • serviceRegistered

        void serviceRegistered​(String serviceName,
                               Object service,
                               List<Class<?>> implementedTypes)
        This will be called when services are newly registered with the service manager. It will not be called when the core services are starting up though.

        It is not called until the service is fully initialized. It is called once and only once per service that is registered.

        serviceName - the name of the service
        service - the service bean
        implementedTypes - a list of all the class types which this service implements
      • serviceUnregistered

        void serviceUnregistered​(String serviceName,
                                 Object service)
        This will be called when services are removed from the service manager. Services which are replaced will not have this method called and will only receive serviceRegistered(String, Object, List).

        It is called immediately before the service is completely destroyed so that the service object is still valid.

        serviceName - the name of the service
        service - the service bean