Module org.dyn4j

Class ValueOutOfRangeException

    • Constructor Detail

      • ValueOutOfRangeException

        public ValueOutOfRangeException​(String argumentName,
                                        double value,
                                        String boundType,
                                        double bound)
        Minimal constructor.
        argumentName - the name of the argument
        value - the value given
        bound - the bound for the value
        boundType - the bound type (less than, greater than, etc)
      • ValueOutOfRangeException

        public ValueOutOfRangeException​(String argumentName,
                                        int value,
                                        String boundType,
                                        int bound)
        Minimal constructor.
        argumentName - the name of the argument
        value - the value given
        bound - the bound for the value
        boundType - the bound type (less than, greater than, etc)
      • ValueOutOfRangeException

        public ValueOutOfRangeException​(String argumentName1,
                                        double value1,
                                        String boundType,
                                        String argumentName2,
                                        double value2)
        Minimal constructor.
        argumentName1 - the name of the first argument
        value1 - the value of the first argument
        argumentName2 - the name of the second argument
        value2 - the value of the second argument
        boundType - the bound type (less than, greater than, etc)
      • ValueOutOfRangeException

        public ValueOutOfRangeException​(String argumentName1,
                                        int value1,
                                        String boundType,
                                        String argumentName2,
                                        int value2)
        Minimal constructor.
        argumentName1 - the name of the first argument
        value1 - the value of the first argument
        argumentName2 - the name of the second argument
        value2 - the value of the second argument
        boundType - the bound type (less than, greater than, etc)
      • ValueOutOfRangeException

        public ValueOutOfRangeException​(String argumentName,
                                        double value)
        Minimal constructor.
        argumentName - the name of the argument
        value - the value given
      • ValueOutOfRangeException

        public ValueOutOfRangeException​(String argumentName,
                                        int value)
        Minimal constructor.
        argumentName - the name of the argument
        value - the value given