Class JsonRuntimeException

    • Method Detail

      • newBuilder

        public static JsonExceptionBuilder newBuilder​(String errorCode)
        Returns a builder for fluently creating instances of JsonRuntimeExceptions..
        errorCode - a code which uniquely identifies the exception.
        a new builder for JsonRuntimeException objects.
        NullPointerException - if errorCode is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if errorCode is empty.
      • getErrorCode

        public String getErrorCode()
        Description copied from interface: JsonException
        Returns the error code to uniquely identify this exception.
        Specified by:
        getErrorCode in interface JsonException
        the error code.
      • getHref

        public Optional<URI> getHref()
        Description copied from interface: JsonException
        Returns a link with which the user can find further information regarding this exception.
        Specified by:
        getHref in interface JsonException
        a link to provide the user with further information about this exception.