All Classes and Interfaces

BaseDelegate<T extends BaseDelegate<? extends T>>
Convenience interface for classes which may have a parent ("base") in order to delegate failed operations to (for example, variable lookups).
Utility class for performance profiling; mainly for measuring execution times.
A List implementation intended to be used in places where an API requires a List but doesn't actually use the indexes - it just needs ordering.
A status object used in co-ordinating concurrent jobs.
A PersistentThreadLocal which merges its values into the base (its delegate) when a thread-local value is removed.
Utility class for wrapping an exception, which is useful for exception-handling in commonly used lambda expressions where checked exceptions can't be thrown and variables outside the scope can't be assigned due to "effectively final" requirement.
A Map which allows each to be associated with multiple values.
Thread-local storage which retains values for all threads.
Generic utility class for building standalone applications with support for:
- Multi-stage, detailed AST profiling
- Writing to output files
- Identifying and comparing configurations
- Displaying results
- Building configurations using an elegant builder syntax
Convenience data class for storing profiling information.
Utility class which allows for co-ordinating concurrent execution with waiting semantics for successful and exceptional completion.
A ConcurrentLinkedQueue wrapper which supports null values using a constant wrapper in place of null elements.
Convenience class for chaining StringProperties.put(Object, Object) invocations.
Convenience class for storing collections of thread-local data.