Class TenantTracingConfig

  • public class TenantTracingConfig
    extends Object
    A tenant specific tracing configuration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TenantTracingConfig

        public TenantTracingConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • getSamplingMode

        public TracingSamplingMode getSamplingMode()
        Gets the sampling mode that defines in how far spans created when processing messages for a tenant shall be recorded (sampled) by the tracing system.
        The sampling mode or null if not set.
      • setSamplingMode

        public void setSamplingMode​(TracingSamplingMode samplingMode)
        Sets the sampling mode that defines in how far spans created when processing messages for a tenant shall be recorded (sampled) by the tracing system.
        samplingMode - The sampling mode.
      • getSamplingModePerAuthId

        public Map<String,​TracingSamplingMode> getSamplingModePerAuthId()
        Gets the Map that contains the sampling mode defined per auth-id.

        The sampling mode for a specific auth-id overrides the value returned by getSamplingMode().

        Map with auth-id as key and sampling mode as value.
      • setSamplingModePerAuthId

        public void setSamplingModePerAuthId​(Map<String,​TracingSamplingMode> samplingModePerAuthId)
        Sets the Map that contains the sampling mode defined per auth-id.

        The sampling mode for a specific auth-id overrides the value returned by getSamplingMode().

        samplingModePerAuthId - Map with auth-id as key and sampling mode as value.