Class SignatureSupportingConfigProperties

  • public class SignatureSupportingConfigProperties
    extends Object
    Common properties required for creating/validating cryptographic signatures.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SignatureSupportingConfigProperties

        public SignatureSupportingConfigProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getSharedSecret

        public final String getSharedSecret()
        Gets the secret used for creating and validating HmacSHA256 based signatures.
        The secret or null if not set.
      • setSharedSecret

        public final void setSharedSecret​(String secret)
        Sets the secret to use for creating and validating HmacSHA256 based signatures.
        secret - The shared secret.
        NullPointerException - if secret is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the secret is < 32 bytes.
      • setKeyPath

        public final void setKeyPath​(String keyPath)
        Sets the path to the file containing the private key to be used for creating SHA256withRSA based signatures.

        The file must be in PKCS8 PEM format.

        keyPath - The path to the PEM file.
        NullPointerException - if the path is null.
      • getKeyPath

        public final String getKeyPath()
        Gets the path to the file containing the private key to be used for validating RSA based signatures.
        The path to the file or null if not set.
      • getTokenExpiration

        public final long getTokenExpiration()
        Gets the period of time after which tokens created using this configuration should expire.
        The number of seconds after which tokens expire.
      • setTokenExpiration

        public final void setTokenExpiration​(long seconds)
        Sets the period of time after which tokens created using this configuration should expire.

        The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

        seconds - The number of seconds after which tokens expire.
        IllegalArgumentException - if seconds is <= 0.
      • setCertPath

        public final void setCertPath​(String certPath)
        Sets the path to the X.509 certificate containing the public key to be used for validating SHA256withRSA based signatures.

        The file must be in PKCS8 PEM format.

        certPath - The path to the PEM file.
        NullPointerException - if the path is null.
      • getCertPath

        public final String getCertPath()
        Gets the path to the X.509 certificate containing the public key to be used for validating RSA based signatures.
        The path to the file or null if not set.
      • isAppropriateForCreating

        public final boolean isAppropriateForCreating()
        Checks if this configuration contains enough information for creating assertions.
        true if any of sharedSecret or keyPath is not null.
      • isAppropriateForValidating

        public final boolean isAppropriateForValidating()
        Checks if this configuration contains enough information for validating assertions.
        true if any of sharedSecret or certificatePath is not null.