Class VertxProperties

  • public class VertxProperties
    extends Object
    Vertx properties.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VertxProperties

        public VertxProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • setPreferNative

        public void setPreferNative​(boolean preferNative)
        Prefer to use native networking, or not.

        Also see VertxOptions.setPreferNativeTransport(boolean).

        The default is to not prefer native networking.

        preferNative - true to prefer native networking, false otherwise.
      • setEnableMetrics

        public void setEnableMetrics​(boolean enableMetrics)
        Enable the vert.x metrics system, or not.

        This decides if the vert.x metrics system will be enabled. Hono uses the Spring Boot integration with Micrometer, so enabling the vert.x metrics will only enable the contribution of vert.x internal metrics to this system.

        The default is to not enable vert.x metrics.

        enableMetrics - true to enable the metrics system, false otherwise.
      • setMaxEventLoopExecuteTime

        public void setMaxEventLoopExecuteTime​(long executeTime)
        Sets the maximum number of milliseconds that a task on the event loop may run without being considered to block the event loop.

        The default value of this property is 2000 milliseconds.

        executeTime - The number of milliseconds.
        IllegalArgumentException - if execute time is less than 1.
      • setDnsQueryTimeout

        public void setDnsQueryTimeout​(long timeout)
        Sets the DNS query timeout, i.e the amount of time after which a DNS query is considered to be failed.

        The default value of this property is 5000 milliseconds.

        timeout - The timeout in milliseconds.
        IllegalArgumentException - if timeout is less than 100ms.
      • configureVertx

        public io.vertx.core.VertxOptions configureVertx​(io.vertx.core.VertxOptions options)
        Configures the Vert.x options based on this object's property values.
        options - The options to configure.
        The (updated) options.