Class ConnectionDuration

  • public class ConnectionDuration
    extends LimitedResource
    The resource limits definition corresponding to the connection duration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnectionDuration

        public ConnectionDuration​(@HonoTimestamp
                                  Instant effectiveSince,
                                  ResourceLimitsPeriod period)
        Creates a new connection duration specification for an instant in time.
        effectiveSince - The point in time at which the limit became or will become effective.
        period - The definition of the accounting periods to be used for this specification or null to use the default period definition with mode "monthly".
        NullPointerException - if effectiveSince is null.
      • ConnectionDuration

        public ConnectionDuration​(@HonoTimestamp
                                  Instant effectiveSince,
                                  ResourceLimitsPeriod period,
                                  long maxMinutes)
        Creates a new connection duration specification for an instant in time.
        effectiveSince - The point in time at which the limit became or will become effective.
        period - The definition of the accounting periods to be used for this specification or null to use the default period definition with mode "monthly".
        maxMinutes - The maximum connection duration in minutes to be allowed.
        NullPointerException - if effectiveSince is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the maximum number of minutes is set to less than TenantConstants.UNLIMITED_MINUTES.