Interface TelemetryExecutionContext

    • Method Detail

      • getAuthenticatedDevice

        Device getAuthenticatedDevice()
        Gets the verified identity of the device that the message has been received from which is processed in this context.
        The device or null if the device has not been authenticated.
      • isDeviceAuthenticated

        default boolean isDeviceAuthenticated()
        Determines if the message that is processed in this context has been received from a device whose identity has been verified.
        true if the device has been authenticated or false otherwise.
      • getRequestedQos

        QoS getRequestedQos()
        Gets the QoS level as set in the request by the device.
        The QoS level requested by the device or null if the level could not be determined.
      • getTimeToLive

        Optional<Duration> getTimeToLive()
        Gets the time-to-live set by the device for an event.
        An optional containing the time-to-live duration or an empty optional if the device did not specify a ttl or if the message is not an event.
      • getOrigAddress

        String getOrigAddress()
        Gets the transport protocol specific address of the message.
        The address.
      • getDownstreamMessageProperties

        default Map<String,​Object> getDownstreamMessageProperties()
        Gets the properties that need to be included in the message being sent downstream.

        This default implementation puts the following properties to the returned map:

        The properties.