All Classes and Interfaces

A base class for managing basic configuration properties shared by clients and server components.
Defines permissions that are required to access Hono service resources.
Protocol Adapter configuration properties.
The adapter instance status.
Constants related to authentication.
A collection of authorities granted on resources and/or operations.
A map backed implementation of authorities on resources and operations.
A helper for parsing and creating cache directives compliant with RFC 2616, Section 14.9.
Constants & utility methods used throughout the Command and Control API.
Encapsulates the command endpoint information for a device as defined by the Device Registration API.
Constants & utility methods used throughout the Command Router API.
Request actions that belong to the Command Router API.
A base class for implementing Verticles.
The resource limits definition corresponding to the connection duration.
Constants used throughout Hono.
Constants & utility methods used throughout the Credentials API.
Request actions that belong to the Credentials API.
Encapsulates the credentials information for a device as defined by the Credentials API.
A container for the result returned by Hono's credentials API.
Data volume definition of the tenant resource limits.
An authenticated client of a protocol adapter representing a device.
Constants used for dealing with the device connection data.
Constants > utility methods used throughout the Event API.
The registration status of a device.
A container for information relevant for processing a message sent by a device.
File formats for using key materials.
Helper class working with Java and vert.x futures.
Interface representing blocking code to be executed.
Generic configuration options shared by clients and server components.
An annotation to indicate that an Instant valued field should be de-/serialized from/to a string in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format.
A principal representing a client of a Hono service API.
An empty default implementation to be selectively overridden by subclasses.
Helper class for working with hostnames.
A utility class for handling template used for generating device and authentication identifiers during auto-provisioning.
A helper class for working with JsonObjects.
An adapter for extracting properties from a JSON object.
An adapter for injecting properties into a JSON object.
A utility class for loading keys from files.
Locate the current docker container.
Methods for managing the life cycle of a component.
Tracks the states that a component goes through during its life cycle.
The state in a component's life cycle.
Common parameters for defining limits on the usage of a resource.
An execution context that stores properties in a Map.
Constants for working with Hono API messages.
A client for a messaging system.
The particular type of messaging infrastructure being used.
An adapter for extracting properties from a MultiMap object.
An adapter for injecting properties into a MultiMap object.
A pair of two values of arbitrary type.
A reader for PEM files.
An entry in a PEM file.
Helper class for port configuration.
Denotes the quality-of-service level (in Hono's terms) used for sending a message.
Encapsulates the registration assertion information for a device as defined by the Device Registration API.
Constants & utility methods used throughout the Registration API.
A container for the result returned by Hono's registration API.
Constants & utility methods used throughout the Device Management API.
Constants & utility methods that are common to APIs that follow the request response pattern.
A container for the result returned by a Hono API that implements the request response pattern.
A unique identifier for a resource within Hono.
Resource limits definition.
The period definition corresponding to a resource limit for a tenant.
The mode of the data volume calculation.
Configuration of properties that are common for components accepting requests/connections on a network socket.
Common options for configuring components accepting requests/connections on a network socket.
A POJO for configuring common properties of server components.
Options for configuring Hono service components.
A helper class for working with Strings.
Constants & utility methods used throughout the Telemetry API.
Constants & utility methods used throughout the Tenant API.
Request actions that belong to the Tenant API.
Encapsulates the tenant information that was found by the get operation of the Tenant API.
A container for the result returned by Hono's Tenant API.
A helper class for applying the tenant specific trace sampling configuration.
A tenant specific tracing configuration.
A helper class providing utility methods for interacting with the OpenTracing API.
Value that defines in how far OpenTracing spans shall be recorded (sampled) by the tracing system.
A tuple of three values of arbitrary type.
Enables a component with life cycle support to be used as a vert.x verticle.