Interface ServiceOptions

@ConfigMapping(prefix="hono.service", namingStrategy=VERBATIM) public interface ServiceOptions
Options for configuring Hono service components.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the allowed origin pattern for CORS handler.
    Gets the pattern defining valid device identifiers.
    Gets the time to wait for completion after which a handler is considered to be blocking the vert.x event loop.
    Gets the maximum size of a message payload this server accepts from clients.
    Checks whether the server is configured to log TCP traffic.
    Gets the number of AMQP message credits this service flows to a client when the client opens a sender link to this service.
    Gets the send timeout value in milliseconds, which is to be used when sending a message on the vert.x event bus.
    Gets the server options.
    Gets the pattern defining valid tenant identifiers.
    Checks whether the server waits for downstream connections to be established during startup.
  • Method Details

    • serverOptions

      @WithParentName ServerOptions serverOptions()
      Gets the server options.
      The options.
    • maxPayloadSize

      @WithDefault("2048") int maxPayloadSize()
      Gets the maximum size of a message payload this server accepts from clients.
      The maximum number of bytes.
    • networkDebugLoggingEnabled

      @WithDefault("false") boolean networkDebugLoggingEnabled()
      Checks whether the server is configured to log TCP traffic.
      true if TCP traffic gets logged.
    • waitForDownstreamConnectionEnabled

      @WithDefault("false") boolean waitForDownstreamConnectionEnabled()
      Checks whether the server waits for downstream connections to be established during startup.

      If this property is set to true then startup may take some time or even time out if the downstream container to connect to is not (yet) available.

      true if the server will wait for downstream connections to be established during startup.
    • receiverLinkCredit

      @WithDefault("100") int receiverLinkCredit()
      Gets the number of AMQP message credits this service flows to a client when the client opens a sender link to this service.
      The number of credits.
    • corsAllowedOrigin

      @WithDefault("*") String corsAllowedOrigin()
      Gets the allowed origin pattern for CORS handler.

      The allowed origin pattern for CORS is returned to clients via the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. It can be used by Web Applications to make sure that requests go only to trusted backend entities.

      The allowed origin pattern for CORS handler.
    • sendTimeOut

      @WithDefault("3000") long sendTimeOut()
      Gets the send timeout value in milliseconds, which is to be used when sending a message on the vert.x event bus.
      The send timeout value in milliseconds.
    • deviceIdPattern

      @WithDefault("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\.:=]+$") String deviceIdPattern()
      Gets the pattern defining valid device identifiers.
      The pattern.
    • tenantIdPattern

      @WithDefault("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\.]+$") String tenantIdPattern()
      Gets the pattern defining valid tenant identifiers.
      The pattern.
    • eventLoopBlockedCheckTimeout

      @WithDefault("5000") long eventLoopBlockedCheckTimeout()
      Gets the time to wait for completion after which a handler is considered to be blocking the vert.x event loop.
      The timeout value in milliseconds.