Interface RemoteEndpoint

  • public interface RemoteEndpoint
    • Method Detail

      • sendBytes

        void sendBytes​(ByteBuffer data)
                throws IOException
        Send a binary message, returning when all bytes of the message has been transmitted.

        Note: this is a blocking call

        data - the message to be sent
        IOException - if unable to send the bytes
      • sendBytesByFuture

        Future<Void> sendBytesByFuture​(ByteBuffer data)
        Initiates the asynchronous transmission of a binary message. This method returns before the message is transmitted. Developers may use the returned Future object to track progress of the transmission.
        data - the data being sent
        the Future object representing the send operation.
      • sendBytes

        void sendBytes​(ByteBuffer data,
                       WriteCallback callback)
        Initiates the asynchronous transmission of a binary message. This method returns before the message is transmitted. Developers may provide a callback to be notified when the message has been transmitted or resulted in an error.
        data - the data being sent
        callback - callback to notify of success or failure of the write operation
      • sendPartialBytes

        void sendPartialBytes​(ByteBuffer fragment,
                              boolean isLast)
                       throws IOException
        Send a binary message in pieces, blocking until all of the message has been transmitted. The runtime reads the message in order. Non-final pieces are sent with isLast set to false. The final piece must be sent with isLast set to true.
        fragment - the piece of the message being sent
        isLast - true if this is the last piece of the partial bytes
        IOException - if unable to send the partial bytes
      • sendPartialString

        void sendPartialString​(String fragment,
                               boolean isLast)
                        throws IOException
        Send a text message in pieces, blocking until all of the message has been transmitted. The runtime reads the message in order. Non-final pieces are sent with isLast set to false. The final piece must be sent with isLast set to true.
        fragment - the piece of the message being sent
        isLast - true if this is the last piece of the partial bytes
        IOException - if unable to send the partial bytes
      • sendPing

        void sendPing​(ByteBuffer applicationData)
               throws IOException
        Send a Ping message containing the given application data to the remote endpoint. The corresponding Pong message may be picked up using the MessageHandler.Pong handler.
        applicationData - the data to be carried in the ping request
        IOException - if unable to send the ping
      • sendPong

        void sendPong​(ByteBuffer applicationData)
               throws IOException
        Allows the developer to send an unsolicited Pong message containing the given application data in order to serve as a unidirectional heartbeat for the session.
        applicationData - the application data to be carried in the pong response.
        IOException - if unable to send the pong
      • sendString

        void sendString​(String text)
                 throws IOException
        Send a text message, blocking until all bytes of the message has been transmitted.

        Note: this is a blocking call

        text - the message to be sent
        IOException - if unable to send the text message
      • sendStringByFuture

        Future<Void> sendStringByFuture​(String text)
        Initiates the asynchronous transmission of a text message. This method may return before the message is transmitted. Developers may use the returned Future object to track progress of the transmission.
        text - the text being sent
        the Future object representing the send operation.
      • sendString

        void sendString​(String text,
                        WriteCallback callback)
        Initiates the asynchronous transmission of a text message. This method may return before the message is transmitted. Developers may provide a callback to be notified when the message has been transmitted or resulted in an error.
        text - the text being sent
        callback - callback to notify of success or failure of the write operation
      • getBatchMode

        BatchMode getBatchMode()
        the batch mode with which messages are sent.
        See Also:
      • setBatchMode

        void setBatchMode​(BatchMode mode)
        Set the batch mode with which messages are sent.
        mode - the batch mode to use
        See Also:
      • getInetSocketAddress

        InetSocketAddress getInetSocketAddress()
        Get the InetSocketAddress for the established connection.
        the InetSocketAddress for the established connection. (or null, if the connection is no longer established)