Class WebSocketUpgradeRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebSocketUpgradeRequest

        protected WebSocketUpgradeRequest​(WebSocketClient wsClient,
                                          HttpClient httpClient,
                                          ClientUpgradeRequest request)
        Exists for internal use of HttpClient by WebSocketClient.

        Maintained for Backward compatibility and also for JSR356 WebSocket ClientContainer use.

        wsClient - the WebSocketClient that this request uses
        httpClient - the HttpClient that this request uses
        request - the ClientUpgradeRequest (backward compat) to base this request from
      • WebSocketUpgradeRequest

        public WebSocketUpgradeRequest​(WebSocketClient wsClient,
                                       HttpClient httpClient,
                                       java.lang.Object localEndpoint)
        Initiating a WebSocket Upgrade using HTTP/1.1
        wsClient - the WebSocketClient that this request uses
        httpClient - the HttpClient that this request uses
        localEndpoint - the local endpoint (following Jetty WebSocket Client API rules) to use for incoming WebSocket events
        wsURI - the WebSocket URI to connect to