Interface Request.Content

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static interface  Request.Content.Consumer
      A reactive model to consume request content, similar to Flow.Subscriber.
      static interface  Request.Content.Subscription
      The link between a content producer and a content consumer.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default void fail​(java.lang.Throwable failure)
      Fails this request content, possibly failing and discarding accumulated content that was not demanded.
      default java.lang.String getContentType()  
      default long getLength()  
      default boolean isReproducible()
      Whether this content producer can produce exactly the same content more than once.
      Request.Content.Subscription subscribe​(Request.Content.Consumer consumer, boolean emitInitialContent)
      Initializes this content producer with the content consumer, and with the indication of whether initial content, if present, must be emitted upon the initial demand of content (to support delaying the send of the request content in case of Expect: 100-Continue when emitInitialContent is false).
    • Method Detail

      • getContentType

        default java.lang.String getContentType()
        the content type string such as "application/octet-stream" or "application/json;charset=UTF8", or null if no content type must be set
      • getLength

        default long getLength()
        the content length, if known, or -1 if the content length is unknown
      • isReproducible

        default boolean isReproducible()

        Whether this content producer can produce exactly the same content more than once.

        Implementations should return true only if the content can be produced more than once, which means that subscribe(Consumer, boolean) may be called again.

        The HttpClient implementation may use this method in particular cases where it detects that it is safe to retry a request that failed.

        whether the content can be produced more than once
      • subscribe

        Request.Content.Subscription subscribe​(Request.Content.Consumer consumer,
                                               boolean emitInitialContent)

        Initializes this content producer with the content consumer, and with the indication of whether initial content, if present, must be emitted upon the initial demand of content (to support delaying the send of the request content in case of Expect: 100-Continue when emitInitialContent is false).

        consumer - the content consumer to invoke when there is demand for content
        emitInitialContent - whether to emit initial content, if present
        the Subscription that links this producer to the consumer
      • fail

        default void fail​(java.lang.Throwable failure)

        Fails this request content, possibly failing and discarding accumulated content that was not demanded.

        The failure may be notified to the consumer at a later time, when the consumer demands for content.

        Typical failure: the request being aborted by user code, or idle timeouts.

        failure - the reason of the failure