Class HttpSender

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class HttpSender extends Object

HttpSender abstracts the algorithm to send HTTP requests, so that subclasses only implement the transport-specific code to send requests over the wire, implementing sendHeaders(HttpExchange, ByteBuffer, boolean, Callback) and sendContent(HttpExchange, ByteBuffer, boolean, Callback).

HttpSender governs the request state machines, which is updated as the various steps of sending a request are executed, see RequestState. At any point in time, a user thread may abort the request, which may (if the request has not been completely sent yet) move the request state machine to RequestState#FAILURE. The request state machine guarantees that the request steps are executed (by I/O threads) only if the request has not been failed already.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpSender

      protected HttpSender(HttpChannel channel)
  • Method Details

    • getHttpChannel

      protected HttpChannel getHttpChannel()
    • getHttpExchange

      protected HttpExchange getHttpExchange()
    • isFailed

      public boolean isFailed()
    • send

      public void send(HttpExchange exchange)
    • expects100Continue

      protected boolean expects100Continue(Request request)
    • queuedToBegin

      protected boolean queuedToBegin(HttpExchange exchange)
    • beginToHeaders

      protected boolean beginToHeaders(HttpExchange exchange)
    • headersToCommit

      protected boolean headersToCommit(HttpExchange exchange)
    • someToContent

      protected boolean someToContent(HttpExchange exchange, ByteBuffer content)
    • someToSuccess

      protected boolean someToSuccess(HttpExchange exchange)
    • sendHeaders

      protected abstract void sendHeaders(HttpExchange exchange, ByteBuffer contentBuffer, boolean lastContent, org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback callback)

      Implementations should send the HTTP headers over the wire, possibly with some content, in a single write, and notify the given callback of the result of this operation.

      If there is more content to send, then sendContent(HttpExchange, ByteBuffer, boolean, Callback) will be invoked.

      exchange - the exchange
      contentBuffer - the content to send
      lastContent - whether the content is the last content to send
      callback - the callback to notify
    • sendContent

      protected abstract void sendContent(HttpExchange exchange, ByteBuffer contentBuffer, boolean lastContent, org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback callback)

      Implementations should send the given HTTP content over the wire.

      exchange - the exchange
      contentBuffer - the content to send
      lastContent - whether the content is the last content to send
      callback - the callback to notify
    • reset

      protected void reset()
    • dispose

      protected void dispose()
    • proceed

      public void proceed(HttpExchange exchange, Throwable failure)
    • abort

      public boolean abort(HttpExchange exchange, Throwable failure)
    • relativize

      protected String relativize(String path)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object