Class NamingUtil

  • public class NamingUtil
    extends Object
    Naming Utility Methods
    • Field Detail

      • __log

        public static final Logger __log
    • Constructor Detail

      • NamingUtil

        public NamingUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • bind

        public static Context bind​(Context ctx,
                                   String nameStr,
                                   Object obj)
                            throws NamingException
        Bind an object to a context ensuring all sub-contexts are created if necessary
        ctx - the context into which to bind
        nameStr - the name relative to context to bind
        obj - the object to be bound
        the bound context
        NamingException - if an error occurs
      • flattenBindings

        public static Map flattenBindings​(Context ctx,
                                          String name)
                                   throws NamingException
        Do a deep listing of the bindings for a context.
        ctx - the context containing the name for which to list the bindings
        name - the name in the context to list
        map: key is fully qualified name, value is the bound object
        NamingException - if unable to flatten bindings