Class SPNEGOAuthenticator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SPNEGOAuthenticator extends LoginAuthenticator

A LoginAuthenticator that uses SPNEGO and the GSS API to authenticate requests.

A successful authentication from a client is cached for a configurable duration using the HTTP session; this avoids that the client is asked to authenticate for every request.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SPNEGOAuthenticator

      public SPNEGOAuthenticator()
    • SPNEGOAuthenticator

      public SPNEGOAuthenticator(String type)
      Allow for a custom name value to be set for instances where SPNEGO may not be appropriate
      type - the authenticator name
  • Method Details

    • getAuthenticationType

      public String getAuthenticationType()
      The name of the authentication type
    • getAuthenticationDuration

      public Duration getAuthenticationDuration()
      the authentication duration
    • setAuthenticationDuration

      public void setAuthenticationDuration(Duration authenticationDuration)

      Sets the duration of the authentication.

      A negative duration means that the authentication is only valid for the current request.

      A zero duration means that the authentication is valid forever.

      A positive value means that the authentication is valid for the specified duration.

      authenticationDuration - the authentication duration
    • login

      public UserIdentity login(String username, Object password, org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request request, org.eclipse.jetty.server.Response response)
      Only renew the session id if the user has been fully authenticated, don't renew the session for any of the intermediate request/response handshakes.
      login in class LoginAuthenticator
      username - the username of the client to be authenticated
      password - the user's credential
      request - the inbound request that needs authentication
    • validateRequest

      public AuthenticationState validateRequest(org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request req, org.eclipse.jetty.server.Response res, org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback callback) throws ServerAuthException
      Description copied from interface: Authenticator
      Validate a request
      req - The request
      res - The response
      callback - the callback to use for writing a response
      An Authentication. If Authentication is successful, this will be a AuthenticationState.Succeeded. If a response has been sent by the Authenticator (which can be done for both successful and unsuccessful authentications), then the result will implement AuthenticationState.ResponseSent.
      ServerAuthException - if unable to validate request