All Classes and Interfaces

Provides the common handling for ConnectionFactory implementations.
An abstract implementation of Connector that provides a ConnectionFactory mechanism for creating Connection instances for various protocols (HTTP, SSL, etc).
This class is no longer required as ERROR dispatch is only done if there is an error page target.
Abstract Handler Container.
An abstract Network Connector.
AbstractSessionCache A base implementation of the SessionCache interface for managing a set of Session objects pertaining to a context in memory.
AbstractSessionCacheFactory Base class for SessionCacheFactories.
A Listener that limits the rate at which new connections are accepted
This will approve any alias to anything inside of the ContextHandlers resource base which is not protected by a protected target as defined by ContextHandler.getProtectedTargets() at start.
A handler wrapper that provides the framework to asynchronously delay the handling of a request.
An asynchronously writing RequestLogWriter
The Authentication state of a request.
An Authentication Challenge has been sent.
A deferred authentication with methods to progress the authentication process.
An Authentication Failure has been sent.
An authentication that is capable of performing a programmatic login operation.
An authentication that is capable of performing a programmatic logout operation.
After a logout, the authentication reverts to a state where it is possible to programmatically log in again.
Authentication Response sent state.
A successful Authentication with User information.
A wrapped authentication with methods provide the wrapped request/response for use by the application
A Handler that can apply a HttpOutput.Interceptor mechanism to buffer the entire response content until the output is closed.
An HttpOutput.Interceptor which is created by BufferedResponseHandler.newBufferedInterceptor(HttpChannel, Interceptor) and is used by the implementation to buffer outgoing content.
CachingSessionDataStore A SessionDataStore is a mechanism for (persistently) storing data associated with sessions.
A Factory to create Connection instances for Connectors.
A ConnectionFactory that can configure the connector.
Connections created by this factory MUST implement Connection.UpgradeTo.
The possible outcomes of the ConnectionFactory.Detecting.detect(ByteBuffer) method.
A Listener that limits the number of Connections.
A Connector accept connections and data from remote peers, and allows applications to send data to remote peers, by setting up the machinery needed to handle such tasks.
ContentProducer is the bridge between HttpInput and HttpChannel.
Interface to check aliases
Listener for all threads entering context scope, including async IO callbacks
A simple implementation of ServletContext that is used when there is no ContextHandler.
This HandlerCollection is creates a Map of contexts to it's contained handlers based on the context path and virtual hosts of any contained ContextHandlers.
Cookie parser
A flexible RequestLog, which produces log strings in a customizable format.
DatabaseAdaptor Handles differences between databases.
Debug Handler.
A Context Listener that produces additional debug.
Default Handler.
DefaultSessionCache A session store that keeps its sessions in memory within a concurrent map
DefaultSessionCacheFactory Factory for creating new DefaultSessionCaches.
DefaultSessionIdManager Manages session ids to ensure each session id within a context is unique, and that session ids can be shared across contexts (but not session contents).
A ConnectionFactory combining multiple ConnectionFactory.Detecting instances that will upgrade to the first one recognizing the bytes in the buffer.
Handler for Error pages An ErrorHandler is registered with ContextHandler.setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) or Server.setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler).
A Handler that can apply a HttpOutput.Interceptor mechanism to buffer the entire response content until the output is closed.
FileSessionDataStore A file-based store of session data.
Customize Requests for Proxy Forwarding.
Ordered Source Enum.
A Handler that can dynamically GZIP uncompress requests, and compress responses.
An HttpInput Interceptor that inflates GZIP encoded request content.
A Jetty Server Handler.
A collection of handlers.
A Handler that contains other Handlers.
A HandlerWrapper acts as a Handler but delegates the handle method and life cycle events to a delegate.
Display an optional Warning Message if the {jetty.home} and {jetty.base} are the same directory.
Adds a missing Host header (for example, HTTP 1.0 or 2.0 requests).
A HandlerContainer that allows a hot swap of a wrapped handler.
HouseKeeper There is 1 session HouseKeeper per SessionIdManager instance.
HttpChannel represents a single endpoint for HTTP semantic processing.
Listener for HttpChannel events.
A HttpChannel.Listener that holds a collection of other HttpChannel.Listener instances that are efficiently invoked without iteration.
An HttpChannel customized to be transported over the HTTP/1 protocol
Implementation of AsyncContext interface that holds the state of request-response cycle.
The actions to take as the channel moves from state to state.
HTTP Configuration.
An interface that allows a request object to be customized for a particular HTTP connector configuration.
A Connection that handles the HTTP protocol.
A Connection Factory for HTTP Connections.
While this class is-a Runnable, it should never be dispatched in it's own thread.
A content represents the production of a HttpChannel returned by HttpChannel.produceContent().
EOF special content.
Error special content.
Abstract class that implements the standard special content behavior.
Simple non-special content wrapper allow overriding the EOF flag.
HttpOutput implements ServletOutputStream as required by the Servlet specification.
The HttpOutput.Interceptor is a single intercept point for all output written to the HttpOutput: via writer; via output stream; asynchronously; or blocking.
Abstraction of the outbound HTTP transport.
Handler to adjust the idle timeout of requests while dispatched.
Byte range inclusive of end points.
InetAddress Access Handler
JDBCSessionDataStore Session data stored in database
A local connector, mostly for testing purposes.
A monitor for low resources, low resources can be detected by: ThreadPool.isLowOnThreads() if Connector.getExecutor() is an instance of ThreadPool and LowResourceMonitor.setMonitorThreads(boolean) is true. If LowResourceMonitor.setMaxMemory(long) is non zero then low resources is detected if the JVMs Runtime instance has Runtime.totalMemory() minus Runtime.freeMemory() greater than LowResourceMonitor.getMaxMemory()
Enable Jetty style JMX MBeans from within a Context
Moved ContextHandler.
The compliance level for parsing multiPart/form-data
Replaced by org.eclipse.jetty.http.MultiPartFormInputStream The code for MultiPartInputStream is slower than its replacement MultiPartFormInputStream.
A parser for MultiPart content type.
A Connector for TCP/IP network connectors
A specialized version of ServerConnector that supports NetworkTrafficListeners.
NullSessionCache Does not actually cache any Session objects.
NullSessionCacheFactory Factory for NullSessionCaches.
NullSessionDataStore Does not actually store anything, useful for testing.
ConnectionFactory for the PROXY Protocol.
Customizer that extracts the real local and remote address:port pairs from a ProxyConnectionFactory and sets them on the request with ServletRequest.setAttribute(String, Object).
A ServletException that is logged less verbosely than a normal ServletException.
Jetty Request.
A RequestLog can be attached to a RequestLogHandler to enable logging of requests/responses.
Writes the generated log string to a log sink
This handler provides an alternate way (other than Server.setRequestLog(RequestLog)) to log request, that can be applied to a particular handler (eg context).
Writer which outputs pre-formatted request log strings to a file using RolloverFileOutputStream.
An HttpContent.Factory for transient content (not cached).
Resource Handler.
Abstract resource service, used by DefaultServlet and ResourceHandler
Response provides the implementation for HttpServletResponse.
Specialized PrintWriter for servlet Responses
SecuredRedirectHandler redirects from http to https.
Customizer that extracts the attribute from an SSLContext and sets them on the request with ServletRequest.setAttribute(String, Object) according to Servlet Specification Requirements.
Jetty HTTP Servlet Server.
This Connector implementation is the primary connector for the Jetty server over TCP/IP.
An implementation of Attributes that supports the standard async attributes.
Implementation of HttpServletMapping.
ServletRequestHttpWrapper Class to tunnel a ServletRequest via an HttpServletRequest
ServletResponseHttpWrapper Wrapper to tunnel a ServletResponse via an HttpServletResponse
Session A heavy-weight Session object representing an HttpSession.
State Validity states of a session
SessionCache A working set of Session objects for a context.
SessionContext Information about the context to which sessions belong: the Context, the SessionHandler of the context, and the unique name of the node.
SessionData The data associated with a session.
SessionDataMap A map style access to SessionData keyed by the session id.
SessionDataStore A store for the data contained in a Session object.
SessionIf Interface that any session wrapper should implement so that SessionManager may access the Jetty session implementation.
Session ID Manager.
A handler that shuts the server down on a valid request.
Shutdown/Stop Monitor thread.
Request log writer using a Slf4jLog Logger
A Connection Lister for customization of SocketConnections.
An extension of AllowedResourceAliasChecker which will allow symlinks alias to arbitrary targets, so long as the symlink file itself is an allowed resource.
Handler to limit the threads per IP address for DOS protection
User object that encapsulates user identity and operations such as run-as-role actions, checking isUserInRole and getUserPrincipal.
A UserIdentity Scope.