Class HttpChannelState

  • public class HttpChannelState
    extends Object
    Implementation of AsyncContext interface that holds the state of request-response cycle.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpChannelState

        protected HttpChannelState​(HttpChannel channel)
    • Method Detail

      • addListener

        public void addListener​(javax.servlet.AsyncListener listener)
      • setTimeout

        public void setTimeout​(long ms)
      • getTimeout

        public long getTimeout()
      • getStatusString

        public String getStatusString()
      • error

        protected void error​(Throwable th)
      • asyncError

        public void asyncError​(Throwable failure)
      • unhandle

        protected HttpChannelState.Action unhandle()
        Signal that the HttpConnection has finished handling the request. For blocking connectors, this call may block if the request has been suspended (startAsync called).
        next actions be handled again (eg because of a resume that happened before unhandle was called)
      • dispatch

        public void dispatch​(javax.servlet.ServletContext context,
                             String path)
      • onTimeout

        protected void onTimeout()
      • complete

        public void complete()
      • errorComplete

        public void errorComplete()
      • onError

        protected void onError()
      • onComplete

        protected void onComplete()
      • recycle

        protected void recycle()
      • upgrade

        public void upgrade()
      • scheduleDispatch

        protected void scheduleDispatch()
      • cancelTimeout

        protected void cancelTimeout()
      • isIdle

        public boolean isIdle()
      • isExpired

        public boolean isExpired()
      • isInitial

        public boolean isInitial()
      • isSuspended

        public boolean isSuspended()
      • isAsyncStarted

        public boolean isAsyncStarted()
      • isAsync

        public boolean isAsync()
      • getBaseRequest

        public Request getBaseRequest()
      • getServletResponse

        public javax.servlet.ServletResponse getServletResponse()
      • getServletResponse

        public javax.servlet.ServletResponse getServletResponse​(AsyncContextEvent event)
      • getAttribute

        public Object getAttribute​(String name)
      • removeAttribute

        public void removeAttribute​(String name)
      • setAttribute

        public void setAttribute​(String name,
                                 Object attribute)
      • onReadUnready

        public void onReadUnready()
        Called to signal async read isReady() has returned false. This indicates that there is no content available to be consumed and that once the channel enters the ASYNC_WAIT state it will register for read interest by calling HttpChannel.onAsyncWaitForContent() either from this method or from a subsequent call to unhandle().
      • onReadPossible

        public boolean onReadPossible()
        Called to signal that content is now available to read. If the channel is in ASYNC_WAIT state and unready (ie isReady() has returned false), then the state is changed to ASYNC_WOKEN and true is returned.
        True IFF the channel was unready and in ASYNC_WAIT state
      • onReadReady

        public boolean onReadReady()
        Called to signal that the channel is ready for a callback. This is similar to calling onReadUnready() followed by onReadPossible(), except that as content is already available, read interest is never set.
        true if woken
      • isReadPossible

        public boolean isReadPossible()
      • onWritePossible

        public boolean onWritePossible()