Class ServerConnector

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable, Connector, NetworkConnector, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Container, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Destroyable, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Dumpable, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Dumpable.DumpableContainer, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Graceful, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    @ManagedObject("HTTP connector using NIO ByteChannels and Selectors")
    public class ServerConnector
    extends AbstractNetworkConnector
    This Connector implementation is the primary connector for the Jetty server over TCP/IP. By the use of various ConnectionFactory instances it is able to accept connections for HTTP, HTTP/2 and WebSocket, either directly or over SSL.

    The connector is a fully asynchronous NIO based implementation that by default will use all the commons services (eg Executor, Scheduler) of the passed Server instance, but all services may also be constructor injected into the connector so that it may operate with dedicated or otherwise shared services.

    Connection Factories

    Various convenience constructors are provided to assist with common configurations of ConnectionFactories, whose generic use is described in AbstractConnector. If no connection factories are passed, then the connector will default to use a HttpConnectionFactory. If an non null SslContextFactory instance is passed, then this used to instantiate a SslConnectionFactory which is prepended to the other passed or default factories.


    The default number of selectors is equal to half of the number of processors available to the JVM, which should allow optimal performance even if all the connections used are performing significant non-blocking work in the callback tasks.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerConnector

        public ServerConnector​(@Name("server")
                               Server server)

        Construct a ServerConnector with a private instance of HttpConnectionFactory as the only factory.

        server - The Server this connector will accept connection for.
      • ServerConnector

        public ServerConnector​(@Name("server")
                               Server server,
                               int acceptors,
                               int selectors)

        Construct a ServerConnector with a private instance of HttpConnectionFactory as the only factory.

        server - The Server this connector will accept connection for.
        acceptors - the number of acceptor threads to use, or -1 for a default value. Acceptors accept new TCP/IP connections. If 0, then the selector threads are used to accept connections.
        selectors - the number of selector threads, or <=0 for a default value. Selectors notice and schedule established connection that can make IO progress.
      • ServerConnector

        public ServerConnector​(@Name("server")
                               Server server,
                               int acceptors,
                               int selectors,
                               ConnectionFactory... factories)

        Construct a ServerConnector with a private instance of HttpConnectionFactory as the only factory.

        server - The Server this connector will accept connection for.
        acceptors - the number of acceptor threads to use, or -1 for a default value. Acceptors accept new TCP/IP connections. If 0, then the selector threads are used to accept connections.
        selectors - the number of selector threads, or <=0 for a default value. Selectors notice and schedule established connection that can make IO progress.
        factories - Zero or more ConnectionFactory instances used to create and configure connections.
      • ServerConnector

        public ServerConnector​(@Name("server")
                               Server server,
                               ConnectionFactory... factories)

        Construct a Server Connector with the passed Connection factories.

        server - The Server this connector will accept connection for.
        factories - Zero or more ConnectionFactory instances used to create and configure connections.
      • ServerConnector

        public ServerConnector​(@Name("server")
                               Server server,
                               org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory sslContextFactory)

        Construct a ServerConnector with a private instance of HttpConnectionFactory as the primary protocol

        server - The Server this connector will accept connection for.
        sslContextFactory - If non null, then a SslConnectionFactory is instantiated and prepended to the list of HTTP Connection Factory.
      • ServerConnector

        public ServerConnector​(@Name("server")
                               Server server,
                               int acceptors,
                               int selectors,
                               org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory sslContextFactory)

        Construct a ServerConnector with a private instance of HttpConnectionFactory as the primary protocol

        server - The Server this connector will accept connection for.
        sslContextFactory - If non null, then a SslConnectionFactory is instantiated and prepended to the list of HTTP Connection Factory.
        acceptors - the number of acceptor threads to use, or -1 for a default value. Acceptors accept new TCP/IP connections. If 0, then the selector threads are used to accept connections.
        selectors - the number of selector threads, or <=0 for a default value. Selectors notice and schedule established connection that can make IO progress.
      • ServerConnector

        public ServerConnector​(@Name("server")
                               Server server,
                               org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory sslContextFactory,
                               ConnectionFactory... factories)
        server - The Server this connector will accept connection for.
        sslContextFactory - If non null, then a SslConnectionFactory is instantiated and prepended to the list of ConnectionFactories, with the first factory being the default protocol for the SslConnectionFactory.
        factories - Zero or more ConnectionFactory instances used to create and configure connections.
      • ServerConnector

        public ServerConnector​(@Name("server")
                               Server server,
                               java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                               org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Scheduler scheduler,
                               ByteBufferPool bufferPool,
                               int acceptors,
                               int selectors,
                               ConnectionFactory... factories)
        server - The server this connector will be accept connection for.
        executor - An executor used to run tasks for handling requests, acceptors and selectors. If null then use the servers executor
        scheduler - A scheduler used to schedule timeouts. If null then use the servers scheduler
        bufferPool - A ByteBuffer pool used to allocate buffers. If null then create a private pool with default configuration.
        acceptors - the number of acceptor threads to use, or -1 for a default value. Acceptors accept new TCP/IP connections. If 0, then the selector threads are used to accept connections.
        selectors - the number of selector threads, or <=0 for a default value. Selectors notice and schedule established connection that can make IO progress.
        factories - Zero or more ConnectionFactory instances used to create and configure connections.
    • Method Detail

      • newSelectorManager

        protected SelectorManager newSelectorManager​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                                     org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Scheduler scheduler,
                                                     int selectors)
      • isOpen

        public boolean isOpen()
        Description copied from interface: NetworkConnector
        A Connector may be opened and not started (to reserve a port) or closed and running (to allow graceful shutdown of existing connections)
        True if the connector is Open.
      • isInheritChannel

        public boolean isInheritChannel()
        whether this connector uses a channel inherited from the JVM.
        See Also:
      • setInheritChannel

        public void setInheritChannel​(boolean inheritChannel)

        Sets whether this connector uses a channel inherited from the JVM.

        If true, the connector first tries to inherit from a channel provided by the system. If there is no inherited channel available, or if the inherited channel is not usable, then it will fall back using ServerSocketChannel.

        Use it with xinetd/inetd, to launch an instance of Jetty on demand. The port used to access pages on the Jetty instance is the same as the port used to launch Jetty.

        inheritChannel - whether this connector uses a channel inherited from the JVM.
        See Also:
      • open

        public void open​(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel acceptChannel)
        Open the connector using the passed ServerSocketChannel. This open method can be called before starting the connector to pass it a ServerSocketChannel that will be used instead of one returned from openAcceptChannel()
        acceptChannel - the channel to use
        Throws: - if the server channel is not bound
      • openAcceptChannel

        protected java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel openAcceptChannel()
        Called by open() to obtain the accepting channel.
        ServerSocketChannel used to accept connections.
        Throws: - if unable to obtain or configure the server channel
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from interface: NetworkConnector

        Performs the activities needed to close the network communication (for example, to stop accepting network connections).

        Once a connector has been closed, it cannot be opened again without first calling LifeCycle.stop() and it will not be active again until a subsequent call to LifeCycle.start()
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        Specified by:
        close in interface NetworkConnector
        close in class AbstractNetworkConnector
      • accept

        public void accept​(int acceptorID)
        Specified by:
        accept in class AbstractConnector
      • configure

        protected void configure​( socket)
      • getSelectorManager

        @ManagedAttribute("The Selector Manager")
        public SelectorManager getSelectorManager()
      • getTransport

        public java.lang.Object getTransport()
        the underlying socket, channel, buffer etc. for the connector.
      • newEndPoint

        protected ChannelEndPoint newEndPoint​(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel channel,
                                              ManagedSelector selectSet,
                                              java.nio.channels.SelectionKey key)
      • getSoLingerTime

        @ManagedAttribute(value="Socket close linger time. Deprecated, always returns -1",
        public int getSoLingerTime()
        don't use as socket close linger time has undefined behavior for non-blocking sockets
        Returns the socket close linger time.
        -1 as the socket close linger time is always disabled.
        See Also:
      • setSoLingerTime

        public void setSoLingerTime​(int lingerTime)
        don't use as socket close linger time has undefined behavior for non-blocking sockets
        lingerTime - the socket close linger time; use -1 to disable.
        See Also:
      • getAcceptQueueSize

        @ManagedAttribute("Accept Queue size")
        public int getAcceptQueueSize()
        the accept queue size
      • setAcceptQueueSize

        public void setAcceptQueueSize​(int acceptQueueSize)
        acceptQueueSize - the accept queue size (also known as accept backlog)
      • getReuseAddress

        @ManagedAttribute("Server Socket SO_REUSEADDR")
        public boolean getReuseAddress()
        whether the server socket reuses addresses
        See Also:
      • setReuseAddress

        public void setReuseAddress​(boolean reuseAddress)
        reuseAddress - whether the server socket reuses addresses
        See Also:
      • getAcceptedTcpNoDelay

        @ManagedAttribute("Accepted Socket TCP_NODELAY")
        public boolean getAcceptedTcpNoDelay()
        whether the accepted socket gets TCP_NODELAY enabled.
        See Also:
      • setAcceptedTcpNoDelay

        public void setAcceptedTcpNoDelay​(boolean tcpNoDelay)
        tcpNoDelay - whether TCP_NODELAY gets enabled on the the accepted socket.
        See Also:
      • getAcceptedReceiveBufferSize

        @ManagedAttribute("Accepted Socket SO_RCVBUF")
        public int getAcceptedReceiveBufferSize()
        the SO_RCVBUF size to set onto the accepted socket. A value of -1 indicates that it is left to its default value.
        See Also:
      • setAcceptedReceiveBufferSize

        public void setAcceptedReceiveBufferSize​(int receiveBufferSize)
        receiveBufferSize - the SO_RCVBUF size to set onto the accepted socket. A value of -1 indicates that it is left to its default value.
        See Also:
      • getAcceptedSendBufferSize

        @ManagedAttribute("Accepted Socket SO_SNDBUF")
        public int getAcceptedSendBufferSize()
        the SO_SNDBUF size to set onto the accepted socket. A value of -1 indicates that it is left to its default value.
        See Also:
      • setAcceptedSendBufferSize

        public void setAcceptedSendBufferSize​(int sendBufferSize)
        sendBufferSize - the SO_SNDBUF size to set onto the accepted socket. A value of -1 indicates that it is left to its default value.
        See Also: