Class ObjectTypeConverter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, CoreConverter<DatabaseMapping,​Session>, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.ClassNameConversionRequired, Converter
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    EnumTypeConverter, JAXBEnumTypeConverter

    public class ObjectTypeConverter
    extends Object
    implements Converter, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.ClassNameConversionRequired
    Purpose: Object type converter is used to match a fixed number of database data values to Java object value. It can be used when the values on the database and in the Java differ. To create an object type converter, simply specify the set of conversion value pairs. A default value and one-way conversion are also supported for legacy data situations.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    James Sutherland
    Toplink 10
    • Field Detail

      • converterName

        protected String converterName
      • dataType

        protected Class dataType
      • dataTypeName

        protected String dataTypeName
      • objectType

        protected Class objectType
      • objectTypeName

        protected String objectTypeName
      • conversionValueStrings

        protected Map<String,​String> conversionValueStrings
      • addToAttributeOnlyConversionValueStrings

        protected Map<String,​String> addToAttributeOnlyConversionValueStrings
      • fieldToAttributeValues

        protected transient Map fieldToAttributeValues
      • attributeToFieldValues

        protected Map attributeToFieldValues
      • defaultAttributeValue

        protected transient Object defaultAttributeValue
      • defaultAttributeValueString

        protected String defaultAttributeValueString
      • fieldClassification

        protected transient Class fieldClassification
      • fieldClassificationName

        protected transient String fieldClassificationName
    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectTypeConverter

        public ObjectTypeConverter()
        PUBLIC: Default constructor.
      • ObjectTypeConverter

        public ObjectTypeConverter​(DatabaseMapping mapping)
        PUBLIC: Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • addConversionValue

        public void addConversionValue​(Object fieldValue,
                                       Object attributeValue)
        PUBLIC: A type conversion value is a two-way mapping from the database to the object. The database value will be substituted for the object value when read, and the object value will be substituted for database value when written. Note that each field/attribute value must have one and only one attribute/field value to maintain a two-way mapping.
      • addConversionValueStrings

        public void addConversionValueStrings​(String dataValue,
                                              String objectValue)
        INTERNAL: Set from JPA processing where we deal with strings only to avoid class loader conflicts.
      • addToAttributeOnlyConversionValue

        public void addToAttributeOnlyConversionValue​(Object fieldValue,
                                                      Object attributeValue)
        PUBLIC: An attribute only conversion value is a one-way mapping from the database to the object. This can be used if multiple database values are desired to be mapped to the same object value. Note that when written only the default value will be used for the attribute, not this value.
      • addToAttributeOnlyConversionValueStrings

        public void addToAttributeOnlyConversionValueStrings​(String dataValue,
                                                             String objectValue)
        INTERNAL: Set from JPA processing where we deal with strings only to avoid class loader conflicts.
      • getAttributeToFieldValues

        public Map getAttributeToFieldValues()
        INTERNAL: Get the attribute to field mapping.
      • convertClassNamesToClasses

        public void convertClassNamesToClasses​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this converter to actual class-based settings. This method is used when converting a project that has been built with class names to a project with classes.
        Specified by:
        convertClassNamesToClasses in interface org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.ClassNameConversionRequired
        classLoader -
      • loadClass

        protected Class loadClass​(String className,
                                  ClassLoader classLoader)
        Load the given class name with the given loader.
      • getDefaultAttributeValue

        public Object getDefaultAttributeValue()
        PUBLIC: The default value can be used if the database can possibly store additional values then those that have been mapped. Any value retreived from the database that is not mapped will be substitued for the default value.
      • getMapping

        protected DatabaseMapping getMapping()
        INTERNAL: Return the mapping.
      • setMapping

        protected void setMapping​(DatabaseMapping mapping)
        INTERNAL: Set the mapping.
      • setObjectTypeName

        public void setObjectTypeName​(String objectTypeName)
        INTERNAL: Set from JPA processing where we deal with strings only to avoid class loader conflicts.
      • getFieldClassification

        public Class getFieldClassification()
        INTERNAL: Get the type of the field value to allow conversion from the database.
      • getFieldClassificationName

        public String getFieldClassificationName()
      • getFieldClassification

        public Class getFieldClassification​(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField fieldToClassify)
        INTERNAL: Return the classifiction for the field contained in the mapping. This is used to convert the row value to a consistent java value. By default this is null which means unknown.
      • getFieldToAttributeValueAssociations

        public Vector getFieldToAttributeValueAssociations()
        INTERNAL: Return a collection of the field to attribute value associations.
      • getFieldToAttributeValues

        public Map getFieldToAttributeValues()
        INTERNAL: Get the field to attribute mapping.
      • mapBooleans

        public void mapBooleans()
        PUBLIC: This is a very specific protocol which maps fieldValues "T" and "F" to true and false respectively.
      • mapGenders

        public void mapGenders()
        PUBLIC: This is a very specific protocol which maps fieldValues "F" and "M" to "Female" and "Male" respectively.
      • mapResponses

        public void mapResponses()
        PUBLIC: This is a very specific protocol which maps fieldValues "Y" and "N" to "Yes" and "No" respectively.
      • setAttributeToFieldValues

        public void setAttributeToFieldValues​(Map attributeToFieldValues)
        INTERNAL: Set the attribute to field mapping.
      • setConverterName

        public void setConverterName​(String converterName)
        INTERNAL: Set from JPA processing where we deal with strings only to avoid class loader conflicts.
      • setDataTypeName

        public void setDataTypeName​(String dataTypeName)
        INTERNAL: Set from JPA processing where we deal with strings only to avoid class loader conflicts.
      • setDefaultAttributeValue

        public void setDefaultAttributeValue​(Object defaultAttributeValue)
        PUBLIC: The default value can be used if the database can possibly store additional values then those that have been mapped. Any value retreived from the database that is not mapped will be substitued for the default value.
      • setDefaultAttributeValueString

        public void setDefaultAttributeValueString​(String defaultAttributeValueString)
        INTERNAL: Set from JPA processing where we deal with strings only to avoid class loader conflicts.
      • setFieldClassification

        public void setFieldClassification​(Class fieldClassification)
        INTERNAL: Set the type of the field value to allow conversion from the database.
      • setFieldClassificationName

        public void setFieldClassificationName​(String fieldClassificationName)
      • setFieldToAttributeValueAssociations

        public void setFieldToAttributeValueAssociations​(Vector fieldToAttributeValueAssociations)
        INTERNAL: Set a collection of the field to attribute value associations.
      • setFieldToAttributeValues

        public void setFieldToAttributeValues​(Map fieldToAttributeValues)
        INTERNAL: Set the field to attribute mapping.
      • isMutable

        public boolean isMutable()
        INTERNAL: If the converter converts the value to a non-atomic value, i.e. a value that can have its' parts changed without being replaced, then it must return false, serialization can be non-atomic.
        Specified by:
        isMutable in interface Converter
      • throwInitObjectException

        protected void throwInitObjectException​(Exception exception,
                                                Class type,
                                                String value,
                                                boolean isData)