Class JMSTopicTransportManager

  • public class JMSTopicTransportManager
    extends JMSPublishingTransportManager

    Purpose: Provide a transport implementation for the Remote Command Module (RCM) that both publishes and subscribes to a JMS topic.

    Description: This class manages two connections to the same known JMS Topic: external connection for publishing, local connection for receiving messages.

    Steven Vo
    OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.0.3)
    • Method Detail

      • createLocalConnection

        public void createLocalConnection()
        INTERNAL: JMSTopicTransportManager may have only two connections: one local and one external. In case the local connection doesn't exist, this method creates it.
        createLocalConnection in class JMSPublishingTransportManager
      • getConnectionsToExternalServicesForCommandPropagation

        public Map<String,​org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection> getConnectionsToExternalServicesForCommandPropagation()
        INTERNAL: In case there's no external connection attempts to create one, if that's successful then (in case there is no local connection, too) attempts to create local connection in a separate thread. Returns clone of the original map.
        getConnectionsToExternalServicesForCommandPropagation in class JMSPublishingTransportManager