Class HistoricalDatabaseTable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, CoreTable

    public class HistoricalDatabaseTable
    extends DatabaseTable
    INTERNAL: An impersonating database table is one that pretends to be another database table, and whose true identity is revealed only when printed as SQL.

    a.k.a HistoricalDatabaseTable, DisguisedDatabaseTable

    More precisely, if a is impersonating b, (a.equals(b) == true) but (a.getQualifiedName().equals(b.getQualifiedName()) == false).

    This class is used in temporal versioning, where every update to one table triggers an update to a nearly identical historical table. This second update is almost identical to the first, save that the table names are different (i.e. EMPLOYEE -> EMPLOYEE_HIST). It is much easier just to switch the table names at the last minute, as database fields in the descriptors and expressions have hardcoded table names.

    OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.1.3)
    Stephen McRitchie
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • historicalName

        protected java.lang.String historicalName
      • historicalNameDelimited

        protected java.lang.String historicalNameDelimited
    • Constructor Detail

      • HistoricalDatabaseTable

        public HistoricalDatabaseTable()
      • HistoricalDatabaseTable

        public HistoricalDatabaseTable​(java.lang.String name,
                                       java.lang.String qualifier)
      • HistoricalDatabaseTable

        public HistoricalDatabaseTable​(java.lang.String possiblyQualifiedName)
      • HistoricalDatabaseTable

        public HistoricalDatabaseTable​(DatabaseTable source,
                                       DatabaseTable mirroring,
                                       DatasourcePlatform platform)
        Constructs a new database table which appears as guise but in fact really is identity.