Class InterfaceContainerPolicy

    • Field Detail

      • containerClass

        protected java.lang.Class containerClass
        The concrete container class.
      • containerClassName

        protected java.lang.String containerClassName
      • cloneMethod

        protected transient java.lang.reflect.Method cloneMethod
        The method which will return a clone of an instance of the containerClass.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InterfaceContainerPolicy

        public InterfaceContainerPolicy()
        INTERNAL: Construct a new policy.
      • InterfaceContainerPolicy

        public InterfaceContainerPolicy​(java.lang.Class containerClass)
        INTERNAL: Construct a new policy for the specified class.
      • InterfaceContainerPolicy

        public InterfaceContainerPolicy​(java.lang.String containerClassName)
        INTERNAL: Construct a new policy for the specified class name.
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object object)
        INTERNAL: Return if the policy is equal to the other. By default if they are the same class, they are considered equal. This is used for query parse caching.
        equals in class ContainerPolicy
      • cloneFor

        public java.lang.Object cloneFor​(java.lang.Object container)
        INTERNAL: Return a clone of the specified container.
        cloneFor in class ContainerPolicy
      • convertClassNamesToClasses

        public void convertClassNamesToClasses​(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
        INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this ContainerPolicy to actual class-based settings. This method is used when converting a project that has been built with class names to a project with classes.
        convertClassNamesToClasses in class ContainerPolicy
        classLoader -
      • createChangeEvent

        public CollectionChangeEvent createChangeEvent​(java.lang.Object collectionOwner,
                                                       java.lang.String propertyName,
                                                       java.lang.Object collectionChanged,
                                                       java.lang.Object elementChanged,
                                                       int changeType,
                                                       java.lang.Integer index,
                                                       boolean isChangeApplied)
        INTERNAL: Creates a CollectionChangeEvent for the container
        Specified by:
        createChangeEvent in class ContainerPolicy
      • createQueryKeyForMapKey

        public QueryKey createQueryKeyForMapKey()
        INTERNAL: Create a query key that links to the map key InterfaceContainerPolicy does not support maps, so this method will return null subclasses will extend this method.
      • getCloneMethod

        public java.lang.reflect.Method getCloneMethod()
        INTERNAL: Return the 'clone()' Method for the container class. Lazy initialization is used, so we can serialize these things.
      • getCloneMethod

        protected java.lang.reflect.Method getCloneMethod​(java.lang.Class javaClass)
        INTERNAL: Return the 'clone()' Method for the specified class. Return null if the method does not exist anywhere in the hierarchy
      • getContainerClass

        public java.lang.Class getContainerClass()
        INTERNAL: Returns the container class to be used with this policy.
        getContainerClass in class ContainerPolicy
      • getDirectKeyField

        public DatabaseField getDirectKeyField​(CollectionMapping mapping)
        INTERNAL: Return the DatabaseField that represents the key in a DirectMapMapping. If the keyMapping is not a DirectMapping, this will return null.
      • getInterfaceType

        public abstract java.lang.Class getInterfaceType()
      • invokeCloneMethodOn

        protected java.lang.Object invokeCloneMethodOn​(java.lang.reflect.Method method,
                                                       java.lang.Object container)
        INTERNAL: Invoke the specified clone method on the container, handling the necessary exceptions.
      • isMapKeyAttribute

        public boolean isMapKeyAttribute()
        INTERNAL: Return whether a map key this container policy represents is an attribute By default this method will return false since only subclasses actually represent maps.
      • isValidContainerType

        public boolean isValidContainerType​(java.lang.Class containerType)
        INTERNAL: Validate the container type.
        isValidContainerType in class ContainerPolicy
      • setCloneMethod

        public void setCloneMethod​(java.lang.reflect.Method cloneMethod)
        INTERNAL: Set the Method that will return a clone of an instance of the containerClass.
      • buildContainerFromVector

        public java.lang.Object buildContainerFromVector​(java.util.Vector vector,
                                                         AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Return a container populated with the contents of the specified Vector.
        buildContainerFromVector in class ContainerPolicy