Interface DirectMapping<ABSTRACT_SESSION extends CoreAbstractSession,​ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSOR extends CoreAttributeAccessor,​CONTAINER_POLICY extends CoreContainerPolicy,​CONVERTER extends CoreConverter,​DESCRIPTOR extends CoreDescriptor,​FIELD extends CoreField,​MARSHALLER extends Marshaller,​SESSION extends CoreSession,​UNMARSHALLER extends Unmarshaller,​XML_RECORD extends XMLRecord>

    • Method Detail

      • getConverter

        CONVERTER getConverter()
        Return the converter on the mapping. A converter can be used to convert between the object's value and database value of the attribute.
      • getNullValue

        java.lang.Object getNullValue()
      • getObjectValue

        java.lang.Object getObjectValue​(java.lang.Object object,
                                        SESSION session)
      • getXPath

        java.lang.String getXPath()
        Get the XPath String
        String the XPath String associated with this Mapping
      • hasConverter

        boolean hasConverter()
      • isCDATA

        boolean isCDATA()
      • setAttributeClassification

        void setAttributeClassification​(java.lang.Class attributeClassification)
        Some databases do not properly support all of the base data types. For these databases, the base data type must be explicitly specified in the mapping to tell EclipseLink to force the instance variable value to that data type
      • setAttributeClassificationName

        void setAttributeClassificationName​(java.lang.String attributeClassificationName)
        INTERNAL: Set the name of the class for MW usage.
      • setCollapsingStringValues

        void setCollapsingStringValues​(boolean collapse)
        Indicates that this mapping should collapse all string values before setting them in the object on unmarshal. Collapse removes leading and trailing whitespaces, and replaces any sequence of whitepsace characters with a single space.
        collapse -
      • setConverter

        void setConverter​(CONVERTER converter)
        Set the converter on the mapping. A converter can be used to convert between the object's value and database value of the attribute.
      • setField

        void setField​(FIELD theField)
        ADVANCED: Set the field in the mapping. This can be used for advanced field types, such as XML nodes, or to set the field type.
      • setIsCDATA

        void setIsCDATA​(boolean CDATA)
      • setIsWriteOnly

        void setIsWriteOnly​(boolean b)
      • setNormalizingStringValues

        void setNormalizingStringValues​(boolean normalize)
        Indicates that this mapping should normalize all string values before setting them in the object on unmarshal. Normalize replaces any CR, LF or Tab characters with a single space character.
        normalize -
      • setNullPolicy

        void setNullPolicy​(AbstractNullPolicy aNullPolicy)
        Set the AbstractNullPolicy on the mapping
        The default policy is NullPolicy.
        aNullPolicy -
      • setNullValue

        void setNullValue​(java.lang.Object nullValue)
        Allow for the value used for null to be specified. This can be used to convert database null values to application specific values, when null values are not allowed by the application (such as in primitives). Note: the default value for NULL is used on reads, writes, and query SQL generation
      • setNullValueMarshalled

        void setNullValueMarshalled​(boolean value)
        Set whether this mapping's value should be marshalled, in the case that it is equal to the default null value.
      • setXPath

        void setXPath​(java.lang.String xpathString)
        Set the Mapping field name attribute to the given XPath String
        xpathString - String
      • valueFromObject

        java.lang.Object valueFromObject​(java.lang.Object object,
                                         FIELD field,
                                         ABSTRACT_SESSION abstractSession)