Interface UnionField<CONVERSION_MANAGER extends ConversionManager,​NAMESPACE_RESOLVER extends NamespaceResolver>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface UnionField<CONVERSION_MANAGER extends ConversionManager,​NAMESPACE_RESOLVER extends NamespaceResolver>

    Subclass of Field for fields that are mapped to unions. Maintains a list of schema types instead of just one single schema type. Schema types can be added using the addSchemaType API. Constants has a list of useful constants including a list of QNames for built-in schema types that can be used when adding schema types.

    When reading and writing an element that is mapped with an UnionField, a conversion to each of the schema types on the field (in the order they are specified ) is tried until a conversion is successful. The Java type to convert to is based on the list of schema type to Java conversion pairs specified on the field.

    See Also:
    Field, Constants
    • Method Detail

      • addSchemaType

        void addSchemaType​(javax.xml.namespace.QName value)
        Adds the new type value to the list of types
        value - QName to be added to the list of schema types
      • getSchemaTypes

        java.util.List<javax.xml.namespace.QName> getSchemaTypes()
        Return the list of schema types
        the list of types