Class SessionBrokerPlaceHolder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, CoreSession<ClassDescriptor,​Login,​Platform,​Project,​SessionEventManager>, CommandProcessor, DatabaseSession, Session

    public class SessionBrokerPlaceHolder
    extends SessionBroker

    Purpose: This class is used to represent a Session Broker within a SessionManager. If a session Broker is requested from the SessionManager then this object is created. Once all of the required sessions have been loaded into the SesssionManger then the SessionBroker will be returned. Before that null will be returned.

    TopLink 4.0
    Gordon Yorke
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • sessionsCompleted

        protected java.util.Vector sessionsCompleted
        This member variable stores the sessions that have been retreived
      • sessionNamesRequired

        protected java.util.Vector sessionNamesRequired
        This member variable stores the sessions that need to be retreived
    • Constructor Detail

      • SessionBrokerPlaceHolder

        public SessionBrokerPlaceHolder()
    • Method Detail

      • addSessionName

        public void addSessionName​(java.lang.String sessionName)
      • getSessionNamesRequired

        public java.util.Vector getSessionNamesRequired()
      • getSessionCompleted

        public java.util.Vector getSessionCompleted()