Class DerbyPlatform

    • Field Detail

      • isSequenceSupported

        protected boolean isSequenceSupported
        Allow sequence support to be disabled for Derby < 10.6.1.
      • isConnectionDataInitialized

        protected boolean isConnectionDataInitialized
    • Constructor Detail

      • DerbyPlatform

        public DerbyPlatform()
    • Method Detail

      • appendByteArray

        protected void appendByteArray​(byte[] bytes,
        INTERNAL: TODO: Need to find out how can byte arrays be inlined in Derby
        appendByteArray in class DB2Platform
      • convertToDatabaseType

        public java.lang.Object convertToDatabaseType​(java.lang.Object value)
        Derby error the data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'DATE' is incompatible. Instead, use a java.sql.Date type for property {d } casting
        convertToDatabaseType in class DatabasePlatform
      • getNativeTableInfo

        public java.util.Vector getNativeTableInfo​(java.lang.String table,
                                                   java.lang.String creator,
                                                   AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Not currently used.
        getNativeTableInfo in class DB2Platform
      • getProcedureEndString

        public java.lang.String getProcedureEndString()
        Used for stored procedure defs.
        getProcedureEndString in class DB2Platform
      • getInOutputProcedureToken

        public java.lang.String getInOutputProcedureToken()
        This method is used to print the output parameter token when stored procedures are called
        getInOutputProcedureToken in class DatabasePlatform
      • shouldPrintOutputTokenAtStart

        public boolean shouldPrintOutputTokenAtStart()
        This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with output parameters
        shouldPrintOutputTokenAtStart in class DB2Platform
      • getSelectForUpdateString

        public java.lang.String getSelectForUpdateString()
        Description copied from class: DB2Platform
        INTERNAL: Used for pessimistic locking in DB2. Without the "WITH RS" the lock is not held.
        getSelectForUpdateString in class DB2Platform
      • shouldIgnoreException

        public boolean shouldIgnoreException​(java.sql.SQLException exception)
        Allow for the platform to ignore exceptions.
        shouldIgnoreException in class DB2Platform
      • shouldTempTableSpecifyPrimaryKeys

        protected boolean shouldTempTableSpecifyPrimaryKeys()
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether temporary table can specify primary keys (some platforms don't allow that). Used by writeCreateTempTableSql method.
        shouldTempTableSpecifyPrimaryKeys in class DatabasePlatform
      • writeUpdateOriginalFromTempTableSql

        public void writeUpdateOriginalFromTempTableSql​( writer,
                                                        DatabaseTable table,
                                                        java.util.Collection pkFields,
                                                        java.util.Collection assignedFields)
        INTERNAL: May need to override this method if the platform supports temporary tables and the generated sql doesn't work. Write an sql string for updating the original table from the temporary table. Precondition: supportsTempTables() == true. Precondition: pkFields and assignFields don't intersect.
        writeUpdateOriginalFromTempTableSql in class DatabasePlatform
        writer - for writing the sql
        table - is original table for which temp table is created.
        pkFields - - primary key fields for the original table.
        assignedFields - - fields to be assigned a new value.
      • buildFieldTypes

        protected java.util.Hashtable buildFieldTypes()
        Description copied from class: DatabasePlatform
        Return the mapping of class types to database types for the schema framework.
        buildFieldTypes in class DB2Platform
      • setNullFromDatabaseField

        protected void setNullFromDatabaseField​(DatabaseField databaseField,
                                                java.sql.PreparedStatement statement,
                                                int index)
                                         throws java.sql.SQLException
        setNullFromDatabaseField in class DatabasePlatform
      • avgOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator avgOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X36: The 'AVG' operator is not allowed to take a ? parameter as an operand.
      • sumOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator sumOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X36: The 'SUM' operator is not allowed to take a ? parameter as an operand.
      • equalOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator equalOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '=' to be ? parameters.
      • notEqualOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator notEqualOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '<>' to be ? parameters.
      • greaterThanOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator greaterThanOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '>' to be ? parameters.
      • greaterThanEqualOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator greaterThanEqualOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '>=' to be ? parameters.
      • lessThanOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator lessThanOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '<' to be ? parameters.
      • lessThanEqualOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator lessThanEqualOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '<=' to be ? parameters.
      • extractOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator extractOperator()
        INTERNAL: Derby does not support EXTRACT, but does have YEAR, MONTH, DAY, etc.
      • addOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator addOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '+' to be ? parameters.
      • subtractOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator subtractOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '-' to be ? parameters.
      • multiplyOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator multiplyOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '*' to be ? parameters.
      • divideOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator divideOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '/' to be ? parameters.
      • concatOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator concatOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of '||' to be ? parameters.
        concatOperator in class DB2Platform
      • modOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator modOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of 'mod' to be ? parameters.
      • betweenOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator betweenOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of 'BETWEEN' to be ? parameters.
      • notBetweenOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator notBetweenOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of 'BETWEEN' to be ? parameters.
      • inOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator inOperator()
        Derby requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, Derby will throw an error:

        ERROR 42X35: It is not allowed for both operands of 'IN' to be ? parameters.
      • isDynamicSQLRequiredForFunctions

        public boolean isDynamicSQLRequiredForFunctions()
        INTERNAL Derby has some issues with using parameters on certain functions and relations. This allows statements to disable binding, for queries, only in these cases. If users set casting on, then casting is used instead of dynamic SQL.
        isDynamicSQLRequiredForFunctions in class DB2Platform
      • computeMaxRowsForSQL

        public int computeMaxRowsForSQL​(int firstResultIndex,
                                        int maxResults)
        INTERNAL: Use the JDBC maxResults and firstResultIndex setting to compute a value to use when limiting the results of a query in SQL. These limits tend to be used in two ways. 1. MaxRows is the index of the last row to be returned (like JDBC maxResults) 2. MaxRows is the number of rows to be returned Derby uses case #2 and therefore the maxResults has to be altered based on the firstResultIndex.
        computeMaxRowsForSQL in class DatabasePlatform
        See Also:
      • supportsSequenceObjects

        public boolean supportsSequenceObjects()
        INTERNAL: Derby supports sequence objects as of 10.6.1.
        supportsSequenceObjects in class DB2Platform
      • buildSequenceObjectDeletionWriter

        public buildSequenceObjectDeletionWriter​( writer,
                                                                java.lang.String fullSeqName)
        INTERNAL: Derby supports sequence objects as of 10.6.1.
        buildSequenceObjectDeletionWriter in class DatabasePlatform
      • initializeConnectionData

        public void initializeConnectionData​(java.sql.Connection connection)
                                      throws java.sql.SQLException
        initializeConnectionData in class DB2Platform
      • setParameterValueInDatabaseCall

        public void setParameterValueInDatabaseCall​(java.lang.Object parameter,
                                                    java.sql.PreparedStatement statement,
                                                    int index,
                                                    AbstractSession session)
                                             throws java.sql.SQLException
        INTERNAL Set the parameter in the JDBC statement at the given index. This support a wide range of different parameter types, and is heavily optimized for common types.
        setParameterValueInDatabaseCall in class DatabasePlatform
      • setParameterValueInDatabaseCall

        public void setParameterValueInDatabaseCall​(java.lang.Object parameter,
                                                    java.sql.CallableStatement statement,
                                                    java.lang.String name,
                                                    AbstractSession session)
                                             throws java.sql.SQLException
        INTERNAL Set the parameter in the JDBC statement with the given name. This support a wide range of different parameter types, and is heavily optimized for common types.
        setParameterValueInDatabaseCall in class DatabasePlatform
      • appendParameterInternal

        public int appendParameterInternal​(Call call,
                                           java.lang.Object parameter)
        Returns the number of parameters that used binding. Should only be called in case binding is not used.
        appendParameterInternal in class DatabasePlatform