Class Project

    • Field Detail

      • name

        protected java.lang.String name
      • datasourceLogin

        protected Login datasourceLogin
      • descriptors

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.Class,​ClassDescriptor> descriptors
      • orderedDescriptors

        protected java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> orderedDescriptors
      • defaultReadOnlyClasses

        protected java.util.Vector defaultReadOnlyClasses
        Holds the default set of read-only classes that apply to each UnitOfWork.
      • aliasDescriptors

        protected java.util.Map aliasDescriptors
        Cache the EJBQL descriptor aliases.
      • hasIsolatedClasses

        protected boolean hasIsolatedClasses
        Cache if any descriptor is isolated. (set during initialization)
      • hasNonIsolatedUOWClasses

        protected boolean hasNonIsolatedUOWClasses
        Cache if all descriptors are isolated in the unit of work. (set during initialization)
      • hasGenericHistorySupport

        protected boolean hasGenericHistorySupport
        Cache if any descriptor has history. (set during initialization)
      • hasProxyIndirection

        protected boolean hasProxyIndirection
        Cache if any descriptor is using ProxyIndirection. (set during initialization
      • sqlResultSetMappings

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​SQLResultSetMapping> sqlResultSetMappings
        This a collection of 'maps' that allow users to map custom SQL to query results
      • jpqlParseCache

        protected transient ConcurrentFixedCache jpqlParseCache
        PERF: Provide an JPQL parse cache to optimize dynamic JPQL.
      • defaultTemporalMutable

        protected boolean defaultTemporalMutable
        Define the default setting for configuring if dates and calendars are mutable.
      • hasMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted

        protected transient boolean hasMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted
        Indicates whether there is at least one descriptor that has at least on mapping that require a call on deleted objects to update change sets.
      • defaultIdentityMapClass

        protected java.lang.Class defaultIdentityMapClass
        Default value for ClassDescriptor.identityMapClass.
      • defaultIdentityMapSize

        protected int defaultIdentityMapSize
        Default value for ClassDescriptor.identityMapSize.
      • defaultCacheIsolation

        protected CacheIsolationType defaultCacheIsolation
        Default value for ClassDescriptor.isIsolated.
      • defaultQueryResultsCachePolicy

        protected QueryResultsCachePolicy defaultQueryResultsCachePolicy
        Default value for query caching options for all named queries.
      • defaultIdValidation

        protected IdValidation defaultIdValidation
        Default value for ClassDescriptor.idValidation.
      • queries

        protected java.util.List<DatabaseQuery> queries
        List of queries - once Project is initialized, these are copied to the Session.
      • attributeGroups

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​AttributeGroup> attributeGroups
        List of named AttributeGroups - once Project is initialized, these are copied to the Session.
      • jpaQueries

        protected java.util.List<DatabaseQuery> jpaQueries
        List of queries from JPA that need special processing before execution.
      • jpaTablePerTenantQueries

        protected java.util.List<DatabaseQuery> jpaTablePerTenantQueries
        List of queries from JPA that may special processing and handling before execution.
      • allowNativeSQLQueries

        protected boolean allowNativeSQLQueries
        Flag that allows native queries or not
      • allowTablePerMultitenantDDLGeneration

        protected boolean allowTablePerMultitenantDDLGeneration
        Flag that allows DDL generation of table per tenant multitenant descriptors
      • allowExtendedCacheLogging

        protected boolean allowExtendedCacheLogging
        Flag that allows extended logging of JPA L2 cache or not.
      • allowExtendedThreadLogging

        protected boolean allowExtendedThreadLogging
        Flag that allows extended thread logging or not.
      • allowExtendedThreadLoggingThreadDump

        protected boolean allowExtendedThreadLoggingThreadDump
        Flag that allows add to extended thread logging output thread stack trace or not.
      • allowQueryResultsCacheValidation

        protected boolean allowQueryResultsCacheValidation
        Flag that allows query result cache validation or not.
      • allowSQLDeferral

        protected boolean allowSQLDeferral
        Flag that allows call deferral to be disabled
      • namingIntoIndexed

        protected boolean namingIntoIndexed
        Flag that allows transform named stored procedure parameters into positional/index based
      • mappedSuperclassDescriptors

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​ClassDescriptor> mappedSuperclassDescriptors
        Mapped Superclasses (JPA 2) collection of parent non-relational descriptors keyed on MetadataClass without creating a compile time dependency on JPA. The descriptor values of this map must not be replaced by a put() so that the mappings on the initial descriptor are not overwritten.

        These descriptors are only to be used by Metamodel generation.

        EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
      • metamodelIdClassMap

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> metamodelIdClassMap
        Store the IdClass Id attributes for exclusive use by the Metamodel API Keyed on the fully qualified accessible object owner class name. Value is a List of the fully qualified id class name or id attribute name.
        EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
      • partitioningPolicies

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​PartitioningPolicy> partitioningPolicies
        Map of named partitioning policies, keyed by their name.
      • descriptorsLock

        protected java.lang.Object descriptorsLock
        Ensures that only one thread at a time can add/remove descriptors
      • vpdIdentifier

        protected java.lang.String vpdIdentifier
        VPD connection settings
      • vpdLastIdentifierClassName

        protected java.lang.String vpdLastIdentifierClassName
      • classNamesForWeaving

        protected java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> classNamesForWeaving
        used for Caching JPA projects
      • structConverters

        protected java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> structConverters
      • allowNullResultMaxMin

        protected boolean allowNullResultMaxMin
      • allowConvertResultToBoolean

        protected boolean allowConvertResultToBoolean
      • queryCacheForceDeferredLocks

        protected boolean queryCacheForceDeferredLocks
        Force all queries and relationships to use deferred lock strategy during object building and L2 cache population.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Project

        public Project()
        PUBLIC: Create a new project.
      • Project

        public Project​(Login login)
        PUBLIC: Create a new project that will connect through the login information. This method can be used if the project is being create in code instead of being read from a file.
      • Project

        public Project​(DatabaseLogin login)
        PUBLIC: Create a new project that will connect through JDBC using the login information. This method can be used if the project is being create in code instead of being read from a file.
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultQueryResultsCachePolicy

        public QueryResultsCachePolicy getDefaultQueryResultsCachePolicy()
        PUBLIC: Return the default values for query caching options for all named queries.
      • setDefaultQueryResultsCachePolicy

        public void setDefaultQueryResultsCachePolicy​(QueryResultsCachePolicy defaultQueryResultsCachePolicy)
        PUBLIC: Set the default values for query caching options for all named queries. By default no query caching is used.
      • isQueryCacheForceDeferredLocks

        public boolean isQueryCacheForceDeferredLocks()
        PUBLIC: Get property to Force all queries and relationships to use deferred lock strategy during object building and L2 cache population.
      • setQueryCacheForceDeferredLocks

        public void setQueryCacheForceDeferredLocks​(boolean queryCacheForceDeferredLocks)
        PUBLIC: Set property to Force all queries and relationships to use deferred lock strategy during object building and L2 cache population. By default there is false value - use use mixed object cache locking strategy (depends on relationship and fetch type)
      • getDefaultTemporalMutable

        public boolean getDefaultTemporalMutable()
        PUBLIC: Return the default setting for configuring if dates and calendars are mutable. Mutable means that changes to the date's year/month/day are detected. By default they are treated as not mutable.
      • setDefaultTemporalMutable

        public void setDefaultTemporalMutable​(boolean defaultTemporalMutable)
        PUBLIC: Set the default setting for configuring if dates and calendars are mutable. Mutable means that changes to the date's year/month/day are detected. By default they are treated as not mutable.
      • getJPAQueries

        public java.util.List<DatabaseQuery> getJPAQueries()
        INTERNAL: Return all pre-defined not yet parsed JPQL queries.
      • getJPATablePerTenantQueries

        public java.util.List<DatabaseQuery> getJPATablePerTenantQueries()
        INTERNAL: Return all pre-defined not yet parsed JPQL queries to table per tenant entities.
      • getJPQLParseCache

        public ConcurrentFixedCache getJPQLParseCache()
        INTERNAL: Return the JPQL parse cache. This is used to optimize dynamic JPQL.
      • setJPQLParseCacheMaxSize

        public void setJPQLParseCacheMaxSize​(int maxSize)
        ADVANCED: Set the JPQL parse cache max size. This is used to optimize dynamic JPQL.
      • getJPQLParseCacheMaxSize

        public int getJPQLParseCacheMaxSize()
        ADVANCED: Return the JPQL parse cache max size. This is used to optimize dynamic JPQL.
      • setJPQLParseCache

        protected void setJPQLParseCache​(ConcurrentFixedCache jpqlParseCache)
        INTERNAL: Set the JPQL parse cache. This is used to optimize dynamic JPQL.
      • getQueries

        public java.util.List<DatabaseQuery> getQueries()
        INTERNAL: List of queries that upon initialization are copied over to the session
      • setQueries

        public void setQueries​(java.util.List<DatabaseQuery> queries)
        queries -
      • getAttributeGroups

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​AttributeGroup> getAttributeGroups()
        INTERNAL: List of named AttributesGroups that will be copied to the session at initialization time.
      • setVPDIdentifier

        public void setVPDIdentifier​(java.lang.String vpdIdentifier)
        INTERNAL: Set the VPD identifier for this project. This identifier should be populated from a descriptor VPDMultitenantPolicy and should not be set directly.
      • setVPDLastIdentifierClassName

        public void setVPDLastIdentifierClassName​(java.lang.String vpdLastIdentifierClassName)
        INTERNAL: Set from individual descriptors from the project that set a VPD identifier and used in validation exception.
      • addDefaultReadOnlyClass

        public void addDefaultReadOnlyClass​(java.lang.Class readOnlyClass)
        PUBLIC: Add the read-only class which apply to each UnitOfWork created by default.
      • addDescriptor

        public void addDescriptor​(ClassDescriptor descriptor,
                                  DatabaseSessionImpl session)
        INTERNAL: Used by the BuilderInterface when reading a Project from INI files.
        descriptor - The descriptor to be added to the session and the project.
        session - The current database session.
      • addDescriptors

        public void addDescriptors​(java.util.Collection descriptors,
                                   DatabaseSessionImpl session)
        INTERNAL: Add the descriptors to the session. All persistent classes must have a descriptor registered for them with the session. This method allows for a batch of descriptors to be added at once so that EclipseLink can resolve the dependencies between the descriptors and perform initialization optimally.
        descriptors - The descriptors to be added to the session and the project.
        session - The current database session.
      • addDescriptors

        public void addDescriptors​(Project project,
                                   DatabaseSessionImpl session)
        PUBLIC: Merge the descriptors from another project into this one. All persistent classes must have a descriptor registered for them with the session. This method allows for a batch of descriptors to be added at once so that EclipseLink can resolve the dependencies between the descriptors and perform initialization optimally.
      • addSQLResultSetMapping

        public void addSQLResultSetMapping​(SQLResultSetMapping sqlResultSetMapping)
        PUBLIC: Add a named SQLResultSetMapping to this project. These SQLResultSetMappings can be later used by ResultSetMappingQueries to map Custom sql results to results as defined by the SQLResultSetMappings.
      • conformAllDescriptors

        public void conformAllDescriptors()
        PUBLIC: Set all this project's descriptors to conform all read queries within the context of the unit of work.
      • convertClassNamesToClasses

        public void convertClassNamesToClasses​(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
        INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this project to actual class-based settings. This will also reset any class references to the version of the class from the class loader.
        Specified by:
        convertClassNamesToClasses in class CoreProject<ClassDescriptor,​Login,​DatabaseSession>
      • assumeExistenceForDoesExist

        public void assumeExistenceForDoesExist()
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to assume existence for non-null primary keys.
      • checkCacheForDoesExist

        public void checkCacheForDoesExist()
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to check the cache for existence.
      • checkDatabaseForDoesExist

        public void checkDatabaseForDoesExist()
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to check the database for existence.
      • clone

        public Project clone()
        INTERNAL: Clones the descriptor
        clone in class java.lang.Object
      • createDatabaseSession

        public DatabaseSession createDatabaseSession()
        PUBLIC: Factory method to create session. This returns an implementor of the DatabaseSession interface, which can be used to login and add descriptors from other projects. The Session interface however should be used for reading and writing once connected for complete portability.
        Specified by:
        createDatabaseSession in class CoreProject<ClassDescriptor,​Login,​DatabaseSession>
      • createServerSession

        public Server createServerSession()
        PUBLIC: Factory method to create a server session. This returns an implementor of the Server interface, which can be used to login and add descriptors from other projects, configure connection pooling and acquire client sessions.
        By default the ServerSession has a single shared read/write connection pool with 32 min/max connections and an initial of 1 connection.
      • createServerSession

        public Server createServerSession​(int min,
                                          int max)
        PUBLIC: Factory method to create a server session. This returns an implementor of the Server interface, which can be used to login and add descriptors from other projects, configure connection pooling and acquire client sessions. Configure the min and max number of connections for the default shared read/write pool.
      • createServerSession

        public Server createServerSession​(int initial,
                                          int min,
                                          int max)
        PUBLIC: Factory method to create a server session. This returns an implementor of the Server interface, which can be used to login and add descriptors from other projects, configure connection pooling and acquire client sessions. Configure the min and max number of connections for the default shared read/write pool.
      • createServerSession

        public Server createServerSession​(ConnectionPolicy defaultConnectionPolicy)
        PUBLIC: Factory method to create a server session. This returns an implementor of the Server interface, which can be used to login and add descriptors from other projects, configure connection pooling and acquire client sessions. Configure the default connection policy to be used. This policy is used on the "acquireClientSession()" protocol.
        By default the ServerSession has a single shared read/write connection pool with 32 min/max connections and an initial of 1 connection.
      • getDefaultReadOnlyClasses

        public java.util.Vector getDefaultReadOnlyClasses()
        PUBLIC: Returns the default set of read-only classes.
      • getDefaultIdentityMapClass

        public java.lang.Class getDefaultIdentityMapClass()
        PUBLIC: Return default value for descriptor cache type.
      • getDefaultIdentityMapSize

        public int getDefaultIdentityMapSize()
        PUBLIC: Return default value descriptor cache size.
      • getDefaultIsIsolated

        public boolean getDefaultIsIsolated()
        see getDefaultCacheIsolation()
        PUBLIC: Return default value for whether descriptor should use isolated cache.
      • getDefaultCacheIsolation

        public CacheIsolationType getDefaultCacheIsolation()
        PUBLIC: Return the project level default for class cache isolation;
      • getDefaultIdValidation

        public IdValidation getDefaultIdValidation()
        PUBLIC: Return default value for descriptor primary key validation.
      • getClassDescriptor

        public ClassDescriptor getClassDescriptor​(java.lang.Class theClass)
        PUBLIC: Return the descriptor specified for the class. If the passed Class parameter is null, null will be returned.
      • getDescriptors

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Class,​ClassDescriptor> getDescriptors()
        PUBLIC: Return the descriptors in a ClassDescriptors Map keyed on the Java class.
      • setOrderedDescriptors

        public void setOrderedDescriptors​(java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> orderedDescriptors)
        INTERNAL: Set the descriptors order. Used to maintain consistent order in XML.
      • getClassNamesForWeaving

        public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getClassNamesForWeaving()
        INTERNAL: Returns all classes in this project that are needed for weaving. This list currently includes entity, embeddables and mappedSuperClasses.
      • setClassNamesForWeaving

        public void setClassNamesForWeaving​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> classNamesForWeaving)
        INTERNAL: Returns all classes in this project that are needed for weaving. This list currently includes entity, embeddables and mappedSuperClasses.
      • getLogin

        public DatabaseLogin getLogin()
        OBSOLETE: Return the login, the login holds any database connection information given. This has been replaced by getDatasourceLogin to make use of the Login interface to support non-relational datasources, if DatabaseLogin API is required it will need to be cast.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        PUBLIC: get the name of the project.
      • getSQLResultSetMapping

        public SQLResultSetMapping getSQLResultSetMapping​(java.lang.String sqlResultSetMapping)
        PUBLIC: Get a named SQLResultSetMapping from this project. These SQLResultSetMappings can be used by ResultSetMappingQueries to map Custom sql results to results as defined by the SQLResultSetMappings.
      • getStructConverters

        public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getStructConverters()
        INTERNAL: Returns structure converter class names that would be set on the databasePlatform instance This is used to avoid the platform instance changing at login.
      • setStructConverters

        public void setStructConverters​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> structConverters)
        INTERNAL: Returns structure converter class names that would be set on the databasePlatform instance This is used to avoid the platform instance changing at login.
      • getVPDLastIdentifierClassName

        public java.lang.String getVPDLastIdentifierClassName()
        INTERNAL: Return the name of the last class to set a VPD identifiers.
      • getVPDIdentifier

        public java.lang.String getVPDIdentifier()
        INTERNAL: Return the VPD identifier for this project.
      • hasGenericHistorySupport

        public boolean hasGenericHistorySupport()
        INTERNAL: Answers if at least one Descriptor or Mapping had a HistoryPolicy at initialize time.
      • setDefaultReadOnlyClasses

        public void setDefaultReadOnlyClasses​(java.util.Collection newValue)
        PUBLIC: Set the read-only classes which apply to each UnitOfWork create by default.
      • setDefaultIdentityMapClass

        public void setDefaultIdentityMapClass​(java.lang.Class defaultIdentityMapClass)
        PUBLIC: Set default value for descriptor cache type.
      • setDefaultIdentityMapSize

        public void setDefaultIdentityMapSize​(int defaultIdentityMapSize)
        PUBLIC: Set default value descriptor cache size.
      • setDefaultIsIsolated

        public void setDefaultIsIsolated​(boolean defaultIsIsolated)
        see setDefaultCacheIsolation(CacheIsolationType)
        PUBLIC: Set default value for whether descriptor should use isolated cache.
      • setDefaultCacheIsolation

        public void setDefaultCacheIsolation​(CacheIsolationType isolationType)
        PUBLIC: Set project level default value for class cache isolation.
      • setDefaultIdValidation

        public void setDefaultIdValidation​(IdValidation defaultIdValidation)
        PUBLIC: Set default value for descriptor primary key validation.
      • setDescriptors

        public void setDescriptors​(java.util.Map descriptors)
        INTERNAL: Set the descriptors registered with this session.
      • setDeferModificationsUntilCommit

        public void setDeferModificationsUntilCommit​(int deferralLevel)
        ADVANCED: This method is a 'helper' method for updating all of the descriptors within this project to have a particular deferral level. The levels are as follows ClassDescriptor.ALL_MODIFICATIONS - this is the default and recommended. The writing of all changes will be deferred until the end of the transaction ClassDescriptor.UPDATE_MODIFICATIONS - this will cause the update changes to be deferred and all other changes to be written immediately. ClassDescriptor.NONE - this will cause all changes to be written on each container call.
      • setHasGenericHistorySupport

        public void setHasGenericHistorySupport​(boolean hasGenericHistorySupport)
        INTERNAL: Set to true during descriptor initialize if any descriptor has history.
      • hasIsolatedCacheClassWithoutUOWIsolation

        public boolean hasIsolatedCacheClassWithoutUOWIsolation()
        INTERNAL: Return whether this project has a descriptor that is both Isolated and has a cache isolation level other than ISOLATE_CACHE_ALWAYS
      • hasIsolatedClasses

        public boolean hasIsolatedClasses()
        INTERNAL: Return if any descriptors are isolated. Set to true during descriptor initialize if any descriptor is isolated. Determines if an isolated client session is required.
      • setHasIsolatedClasses

        public void setHasIsolatedClasses​(boolean hasIsolatedClasses)
        INTERNAL: Set to true during descriptor initialize if any descriptor is isolated. Determines if an isolated client session is required.
      • hasNonIsolatedUOWClasses

        public boolean hasNonIsolatedUOWClasses()
        INTERNAL: Return if any descriptors are not isolated to the unit of work. Set to true during descriptor initialize if any descriptor is not isolated. Allows uow merge to be bypassed.
      • setHasNonIsolatedUOWClasses

        public void setHasNonIsolatedUOWClasses​(boolean hasNonIsolatedUOWClasses)
        INTERNAL: Set if any descriptors are not isolated to the unit of work. Set to true during descriptor initialize if any descriptor is not isolated. Allows uow merge to be bypassed.
      • hasProxyIndirection

        public boolean hasProxyIndirection()
        INTERNAL: Return if any descriptors use ProxyIndirection. Set to true during descriptor initialize if any descriptor uses ProxyIndirection Determines if ProxyIndirectionPolicy.getValueFromProxy should be called.
      • hasSQLResultSetMapping

        public boolean hasSQLResultSetMapping​(java.lang.String sqlResultSetMapping)
        PUBLIC: Return true if the sql result set mapping name exists.
      • hasVPDIdentifier

        public boolean hasVPDIdentifier​(AbstractSession session)
        PUBLIC: Return true if there is a VPD identifier for this project. Will not be set till after descriptor initialization.
      • setHasProxyIndirection

        public void setHasProxyIndirection​(boolean hasProxyIndirection)
        INTERNAL: Set to true during descriptor initialize if any descriptor uses ProxyIndirection Determines if ProxyIndirectionPolicy.getValueFromProxy should be called.
      • setLogin

        public void setLogin​(DatabaseLogin datasourceLogin)
        PUBLIC: Set the login to be used to connect to the database for this project.
      • setMultitenantPolicy

        public void setMultitenantPolicy​(MultitenantPolicy policy)
        INTERNAL: Set the multitenant policy.
      • setDatasourceLogin

        public void setDatasourceLogin​(Login datasourceLogin)
        PUBLIC: Set the login to be used to connect to the database for this project.
      • setName

        public void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        PUBLIC: Set the name of the project.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • useCacheIdentityMap

        public void useCacheIdentityMap()
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to use the cache identity map.
      • useCacheIdentityMap

        public void useCacheIdentityMap​(int cacheSize)
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to use the cache identity map the size.
      • useFullIdentityMap

        public void useFullIdentityMap()
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to use the full identity map.
      • useFullIdentityMap

        public void useFullIdentityMap​(int initialCacheSize)
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to use the full identity map with initial cache size.
      • useNoIdentityMap

        public void useNoIdentityMap()
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to use no identity map.
      • useSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap

        public void useSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to use the soft cache weak identity map.
      • useSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap

        public void useSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap​(int cacheSize)
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to use the soft cache weak identity map with soft cache size.
      • usesOptimisticLocking

        public boolean usesOptimisticLocking()
        INTERNAL: Asks each descriptor if is uses optimistic locking.
      • usesSequencing

        public boolean usesSequencing()
        INTERNAL: Asks each descriptor if is uses sequencing.
      • useWeakIdentityMap

        public void useWeakIdentityMap()
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to use the weak identity map.
      • useWeakIdentityMap

        public void useWeakIdentityMap​(int initialCacheSize)
        PUBLIC: Switch all descriptors to use the weak identity map.
      • applyLogin

        public void applyLogin()
        INTERNAL: Default apply login implementation. Defined for generated subclasses that may not have a login. BUG#2669342
      • getAliasDescriptors

        public java.util.Map getAliasDescriptors()
        INTERNAL: Returns the alias descriptors hashtable.
      • addAlias

        public void addAlias​(java.lang.String alias,
                             ClassDescriptor descriptor)
        PUBLIC: Add an alias for the descriptor.
      • allowTablePerMultitenantDDLGeneration

        public boolean allowTablePerMultitenantDDLGeneration()
        INTERNAL: Return true if native sql is allowed on this project.
      • allowNativeSQLQueries

        public boolean allowNativeSQLQueries()
        INTERNAL: Return true if native sql is allowed on this project.
      • allowNullResultMaxMin

        public boolean allowNullResultMaxMin()
        INTERNAL: Return true if Max/Min functions should return Null for this project.
      • allowConvertResultToBoolean

        public boolean allowConvertResultToBoolean()
        INTERNAL: Return true if ResultSet values should be converted for this project.
      • allowSQLDeferral

        public boolean allowSQLDeferral()
        INTERNAL: Return true if SQL calls can defer to EOT on this project.
      • namingIntoIndexed

        public boolean namingIntoIndexed()
        INTERNAL: Return true is allowed to transform named stored procedure parameters into positional/index based.
      • allowExtendedCacheLogging

        public boolean allowExtendedCacheLogging()
        INTERNAL: Return true if extended logging of JPA L2 cache usage is allowed on this project.
      • allowExtendedThreadLogging

        public boolean allowExtendedThreadLogging()
        INTERNAL: Return true if extended thread logging is allowed on this project.
      • allowExtendedThreadLoggingThreadDump

        public boolean allowExtendedThreadLoggingThreadDump()
        INTERNAL: Return true if thread dumps will be added to extended thread logging.
      • isAllowQueryResultsCacheValidation

        public boolean isAllowQueryResultsCacheValidation()
        INTERNAL: Flag that allows query result cache validation or not. If true result is presented via log messages.
      • getDescriptorForAlias

        public ClassDescriptor getDescriptorForAlias​(java.lang.String alias)
        PUBLIC: Return the descriptor for the alias
      • setAliasDescriptors

        public void setAliasDescriptors​(java.util.Map aHashtable)
        INTERNAL: Set the alias descriptors hashtable.
      • setAllowTablePerMultitenantDDLGeneration

        public void setAllowTablePerMultitenantDDLGeneration​(boolean allowTablePerMultitenantDDLGeneration)
        INTERNAL: Set whether ddl generation should allowed for table per tenant multitenant descriptors. This will only be true when a non shared emf is used and all the tenant context properties are provided at deploy time.
      • setAllowNativeSQLQueries

        public void setAllowNativeSQLQueries​(boolean allowNativeSQLQueries)
        INTERNAL: Set whether native sql is allowed on this project.
      • setAllowExtendedCacheLogging

        public void setAllowExtendedCacheLogging​(boolean allowExtendedCacheLogging)
        INTERNAL: Set whether extended logging of JPA L2 cache usage is allowed on this project.
      • setAllowExtendedThreadLogging

        public void setAllowExtendedThreadLogging​(boolean allowExtendedThreadLogging)
        INTERNAL: Set whether extended thread logging is allowed on this project.
      • setAllowExtendedThreadLoggingThreadDump

        public void setAllowExtendedThreadLoggingThreadDump​(boolean allowExtendedThreadLoggingThreadDump)
        INTERNAL: Set if thread dumps will be added to extended thread logging.
      • setAllowQueryResultsCacheValidation

        public void setAllowQueryResultsCacheValidation​(boolean allowQueryResultsCacheValidation)
        INTERNAL: Set to true to enable query result cache validation or not. Result is presented via log messages.
      • setAllowNullResultMaxMin

        public void setAllowNullResultMaxMin​(boolean allowNullResultMaxMin)
        INTERNAL: Set whether Max/Min functions should return Null for this project.
      • setAllowConvertResultToBoolean

        public void setAllowConvertResultToBoolean​(boolean allowConvertResultToBoolean)
        INTERNAL: Set whether ResultSet values should be converted for this project.
      • setAllowSQLDeferral

        public void setAllowSQLDeferral​(boolean allowSQLDeferral)
        INTERNAL: Set whether sql deferral is allowed on this project
      • setNamingIntoIndexed

        public void setNamingIntoIndexed​(boolean namingIntoIndexed)
        INTERNAL: Set whether named stored procedure parameters is allowed to transform into positional/index based.
      • hasMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted

        public boolean hasMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted()
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether there is at least one descriptor that has at least on mapping that require a call on deleted objects to update change sets.
      • setHasMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted

        public void setHasMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted​(boolean hasMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted)
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether there is at least one descriptor that has at least on mapping that require a call on deleted objects to update change sets.
      • hasMappedSuperclasses

        public boolean hasMappedSuperclasses()
        INTERNAL: Return whether there any mappings that are mapped superclasses.
        EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
      • hasMappedSuperclass

        public boolean hasMappedSuperclass​(java.lang.String className)
        INTERNAL: Return whether the given class is mapped as superclass.
        className -
        EclipseLink 2.3 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
      • addJPAQuery

        public void addJPAQuery​(DatabaseQuery query)
        INTERNAL: Return all pre-defined not yet parsed EJBQL queries.
      • addJPATablePerTenantQuery

        public void addJPATablePerTenantQuery​(DatabaseQuery query)
        INTERNAL: Return all pre-defined not yet parsed EJBQL queries to table per tenant entities.
      • addMappedSuperclass

        public void addMappedSuperclass​(java.lang.String key,
                                        ClassDescriptor value,
                                        boolean replace)
        INTERNAL: 266912: Add a descriptor to the Map of mappedSuperclass descriptors
        key - (Metadata class)
        value - (RelationalDescriptor)
        EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
      • getMappedSuperclass

        public ClassDescriptor getMappedSuperclass​(java.lang.String key)
        INTERNAL: Use the Metadata key parameter to lookup the Descriptor from the Map of mappedSuperclass descriptors
        key - - theMetadata class
        EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
      • getMappedSuperclassDescriptors

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​ClassDescriptor> getMappedSuperclassDescriptors()
        INTERNAL: Return the Map of RelationalDescriptor objects representing mapped superclass parents keyed by className of the metadata class.
        EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
      • addMetamodelIdClassMapEntry

        public void addMetamodelIdClassMapEntry​(java.lang.String ownerName,
                                                java.lang.String name)
        INTERNAL: Add an IdClass entry to the map of ids for a particular owner This function is used exclusively by the Metamodel API.
        EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
      • getMetamodelIdClassMap

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getMetamodelIdClassMap()
        INTERNAL: Return the Map of IdClass attribute lists keyed on owner class name.
        EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
      • getPartitioningPolicies

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​PartitioningPolicy> getPartitioningPolicies()
        PUBLIC: Return the map of partitioning policies, keyed by name.
      • setPartitioningPolicies

        public void setPartitioningPolicies​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​PartitioningPolicy> partitioningPolicies)
        PUBLIC: Set the map of partitioning policies, keyed by name.
      • addPartitioningPolicy

        public void addPartitioningPolicy​(PartitioningPolicy partitioningPolicy)
        PUBLIC: Set the map of partitioning policies, keyed by name.
      • getPartitioningPolicy

        public PartitioningPolicy getPartitioningPolicy​(java.lang.String name)
        PUBLIC: Return the partitioning policies for the name.