Class CORBARemoteSessionControllerDispatcher

    • Constructor Detail

      • CORBARemoteSessionControllerDispatcher

        public CORBARemoteSessionControllerDispatcher​(AbstractSession session)
      • CORBARemoteSessionControllerDispatcher

        public CORBARemoteSessionControllerDispatcher​(Session session)
    • Method Detail

      • processCommand

        public Transporter processCommand​(Transporter remoteTransporter)
        INTERNAL: This method is intended to be used by by sessions that wish to execute a command on a remote session
        remoteTransporter - The Transporter carrying the command to be executed on the remote session
      • beginTransaction

        public Transporter beginTransaction()
        Begin a transaction on the database.
      • beginEarlyTransaction

        public Transporter beginEarlyTransaction()
        Begin an early unit of work transaction.
      • commitRootUnitOfWork

        public Transporter commitRootUnitOfWork​(Transporter remoteUnitOfWork)
        Remote unit of work after serialization is committed locally.
      • commitTransaction

        public Transporter commitTransaction()
        Commit a transaction on the database.
      • cursoredStreamClose

        public Transporter cursoredStreamClose​(Transporter remoteCursoredStreamID)
        Used for closing cursored streams across RMI.
      • cursoredStreamNextPage

        public Transporter cursoredStreamNextPage​(Transporter remoteCursoredStream,
                                                  int pageSize)
        Retrieve next page size of objects from the remote cursored stream
      • cursoredStreamSize

        public Transporter cursoredStreamSize​(Transporter remoteCursoredStreamOid)
        Return the cursored stream size
      • cursorSelectObjects

        public Transporter cursorSelectObjects​(Transporter remoteTransporter)
        Returns a remote cursor stub in a transporter
      • executeQuery

        public Transporter executeQuery​(Transporter query)
        A remote query after serialization is executed locally.
      • getController

        protected RemoteSessionController getController()
        Return the controller. All work is dispatched to the controller. This is required to be protocol independent.
      • getDescriptor

        public Transporter getDescriptor​(Transporter theClass)
        Extract descriptor from the session
      • getDescriptorForAlias

        public Transporter getDescriptorForAlias​(Transporter alias)
        Extract descriptor from the session
      • getDefaultReadOnlyClasses

        public Transporter getDefaultReadOnlyClasses()
        Get the default read-only classes
      • getLogin

        public Transporter getLogin()
        Get the associated session login.
      • getSequenceNumberNamed

        public Transporter getSequenceNumberNamed​(Transporter remoteFunctionCall)
        INTERNAL: Get the value returned by remote function call
      • initializeIdentityMapsOnServerSession

        public Transporter initializeIdentityMapsOnServerSession()
      • instantiateRemoteValueHolderOnServer

        public Transporter instantiateRemoteValueHolderOnServer​(Transporter remoteValueHolder)
        The corresponding original value holder is instantiated.
      • rollbackTransaction

        public Transporter rollbackTransaction()
        Rollback a transaction on the database.
      • scrollableCursorAbsolute

        public Transporter scrollableCursorAbsolute​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid,
                                                    int rows)
        Moves the cursor to the given row number in the result set
      • scrollableCursorAfterLast

        public Transporter scrollableCursorAfterLast​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
        Moves the cursor to the end of the result set, just after the last row.
      • scrollableCursorBeforeFirst

        public Transporter scrollableCursorBeforeFirst​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursor)
        Moves the cursor to the front of the result set, just before the first row
      • scrollableCursorClose

        public Transporter scrollableCursorClose​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
        Used for closing scrollable cursor across RMI.
      • scrollableCursorCurrentIndex

        public Transporter scrollableCursorCurrentIndex​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursor)
        Retrieves the current row index number
      • scrollableCursorFirst

        public Transporter scrollableCursorFirst​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursor)
        Moves the cursor to the first row in the result set
      • scrollableCursorIsAfterLast

        public Transporter scrollableCursorIsAfterLast​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursor)
        Indicates whether the cursor is after the last row in the result set.
      • scrollableCursorIsBeforeFirst

        public Transporter scrollableCursorIsBeforeFirst​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursor)
        Indicates whether the cursor is before the first row in the result set.
      • scrollableCursorIsFirst

        public Transporter scrollableCursorIsFirst​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursor)
        Indicates whether the cursor is on the first row of the result set.
      • scrollableCursorIsLast

        public Transporter scrollableCursorIsLast​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursor)
        Indicates whether the cursor is on the last row of the result set.
      • scrollableCursorLast

        public Transporter scrollableCursorLast​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursor)
        Moves the cursor to the last row in the result set
      • scrollableCursorNextObject

        public Transporter scrollableCursorNextObject​(Transporter scrollableCursorOid)
        Retrieve next object from the scrollable cursor
      • scrollableCursorPreviousObject

        public Transporter scrollableCursorPreviousObject​(Transporter scrollableCursorOid)
        Retrieve previous object from the scrollable cursor
      • scrollableCursorRelative

        public Transporter scrollableCursorRelative​(Transporter remoteScrollableCursor,
                                                    int rows)
        Moves the cursor to the given row number in the result set
      • scrollableCursorSize

        public Transporter scrollableCursorSize​(Transporter remoteCursorOid)
        Return the cursor size
      • setController

        protected void setController​(RemoteSessionController controller)
        Set the controller. All work is dispatched to the controller. This is required to be protocol independent.