Class FieldDefinition

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable

    public class FieldDefinition
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements, java.lang.Cloneable

    Purpose: Define a database field definition for creation within a table. This differs from DatabaseField in that it is used only table creation not a runtime.


    • Store the name, java type, size and sub-size. The sizes are optional and the name of the java class is used for the type.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected java.lang.String additional  
      protected java.lang.String constraint  
      protected DatabaseField field
      DatabaseField stores the field name with case and delimiting information.
      protected java.lang.String foreignKeyFieldName  
      protected boolean isIdentity  
      protected boolean isPrimaryKey  
      protected boolean isUnique  
      protected java.lang.String name  
      protected boolean shouldAllowNull  
      protected int size  
      protected int subSize  
      protected java.lang.Class type
      Java type class for the field.
      protected java.lang.String typeDefinition
      Database-specific complete type definition like "VARCHAR2(50) UNIQUE NOT NULL".
      protected java.lang.String typeName
      Generic database type name for the field, which can be used instead of the Java class 'type'.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      FieldDefinition​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class type)  
      FieldDefinition​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class type, int size)  
      FieldDefinition​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class type, int size, int subSize)  
      FieldDefinition​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String typeName)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void appendDBString​( writer, AbstractSession session, TableDefinition table)
      INTERNAL: Append the database field definition string to the table creation statement.
      void appendTypeString​( writer, AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Append the database field definition string to the type creation statement.
      java.lang.Object clone()
      java.lang.String getAdditional()
      PUBLIC: Return any additional information about this field to be given when the table is created.
      java.lang.String getConstraint()
      PUBLIC: Return any constraint of this field.
      DatabaseField getDatabaseField()
      INTERNAL: Return the databasefield.
      java.lang.String getForeignKeyFieldName()  
      java.lang.String getName()
      PUBLIC: Return the name of the field.
      int getSize()
      PUBLIC: Return the size of the field, this is only required for some field types.
      int getSubSize()
      PUBLIC: Return the sub-size of the field.
      java.lang.Class getType()
      PUBLIC: Return the type of the field.
      java.lang.String getTypeDefinition()
      PUBLIC: Return the type definition of the field.
      java.lang.String getTypeName()
      PUBLIC: Return the type name of the field.
      boolean isIdentity()
      PUBLIC: Answer whether the receiver is an identity field.
      boolean isPrimaryKey()
      PUBLIC: Answer whether the receiver is a primary key.
      boolean isUnique()
      PUBLIC: Answer whether the receiver is a unique constraint field.
      void setAdditional​(java.lang.String string)
      PUBLIC: Set any additional information about this field to be given when the table is created.
      void setConstraint​(java.lang.String string)
      PUBLIC: Set any constraint of this field.
      void setDatabaseField​(DatabaseField field)
      INTERNAL: Set the DatabaseField that is associated to this FieldDefinition object.
      void setForeignKeyFieldName​(java.lang.String foreignKeyFieldName)  
      void setIsIdentity​(boolean value)
      PUBLIC: Set whether the receiver is an identity field.
      void setIsPrimaryKey​(boolean value)
      PUBLIC: Set whether the receiver is a primary key.
      void setName​(java.lang.String name)
      PUBLIC: Set the name of the field.
      void setShouldAllowNull​(boolean value)
      PUBLIC: Set whether the receiver should allow null values.
      void setSize​(int size)
      PUBLIC: Set the size of the field, this is only required for some field types.
      void setSubSize​(int subSize)
      PUBLIC: Set the sub-size of the field.
      void setType​(java.lang.Class type)
      PUBLIC: Set the type of the field.
      void setTypeDefinition​(java.lang.String typeDefinition)
      PUBLIC: Set the type definition of the field.
      void setTypeName​(java.lang.String typeName)
      PUBLIC: Set the type name of the field.
      void setUnique​(boolean value)
      PUBLIC: Set whether the receiver is a unique constraint field.
      boolean shouldAllowNull()
      PUBLIC: Return whether the receiver should allow null values.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • name

        protected java.lang.String name
      • type

        protected java.lang.Class type
        Java type class for the field. Particular database type is generated based on platform from this.
      • typeName

        protected java.lang.String typeName
        Generic database type name for the field, which can be used instead of the Java class 'type'. This is translated to a particular database type based on platform.
      • field

        protected DatabaseField field
        DatabaseField stores the field name with case and delimiting information. Used if the field needs to be found in the table metadata, for extending tables. if null, name is used for comparison to determine if this field already exists.
      • typeDefinition

        protected java.lang.String typeDefinition
        Database-specific complete type definition like "VARCHAR2(50) UNIQUE NOT NULL". If this is given, other additional type constraint fields(size, unique, null) are meaningless.
      • size

        protected int size
      • subSize

        protected int subSize
      • shouldAllowNull

        protected boolean shouldAllowNull
      • isIdentity

        protected boolean isIdentity
      • isPrimaryKey

        protected boolean isPrimaryKey
      • isUnique

        protected boolean isUnique
      • additional

        protected java.lang.String additional
      • constraint

        protected java.lang.String constraint
      • foreignKeyFieldName

        protected java.lang.String foreignKeyFieldName
    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldDefinition

        public FieldDefinition()
      • FieldDefinition

        public FieldDefinition​(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.Class type)
      • FieldDefinition

        public FieldDefinition​(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.Class type,
                               int size)
      • FieldDefinition

        public FieldDefinition​(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.Class type,
                               int size,
                               int subSize)
      • FieldDefinition

        public FieldDefinition​(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.String typeName)
    • Method Detail

      • appendDBString

        public void appendDBString​( writer,
                                   AbstractSession session,
                                   TableDefinition table)
                            throws ValidationException
        INTERNAL: Append the database field definition string to the table creation statement.
        writer - Target writer where to write field definition string.
        session - Current session context.
        table - Database table being processed.
        ValidationException - When invalid or inconsistent data were found.
      • appendTypeString

        public void appendTypeString​( writer,
                                     AbstractSession session)
                              throws ValidationException
        INTERNAL: Append the database field definition string to the type creation statement. Types do not support constraints.
        writer - Target writer where to write field definition string.
        session - Current session context.
        ValidationException - When invalid or inconsistent data were found.
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
        clone in class java.lang.Object
      • getAdditional

        public java.lang.String getAdditional()
        PUBLIC: Return any additional information about this field to be given when the table is created.
      • getConstraint

        public java.lang.String getConstraint()
        PUBLIC: Return any constraint of this field. i.e. "BETWEEN 0 AND 1000000".
      • getForeignKeyFieldName

        public java.lang.String getForeignKeyFieldName()
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        PUBLIC: Return the name of the field.
      • getDatabaseField

        public DatabaseField getDatabaseField()
        INTERNAL: Return the databasefield.
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        PUBLIC: Return the size of the field, this is only required for some field types.
      • getSubSize

        public int getSubSize()
        PUBLIC: Return the sub-size of the field. This is used as the decimal precision for numeric values only.
      • getType

        public java.lang.Class getType()
        PUBLIC: Return the type of the field. This should be set to a java class, such as String.class, Integer.class or Date.class.
      • getTypeName

        public java.lang.String getTypeName()
        PUBLIC: Return the type name of the field. This is the generic database type name, which can be used instead of the Java class 'type'. This is translated to a particular database type based on platform.
      • getTypeDefinition

        public java.lang.String getTypeDefinition()
        PUBLIC: Return the type definition of the field. This is database-specific complete type definition like "VARCHAR2(50) UNIQUE NOT NULL". If this is given, other additional type constraint fields(size, unique, null) are meaningless.
      • isIdentity

        public boolean isIdentity()
        PUBLIC: Answer whether the receiver is an identity field. Identity fields are Sybase specific, they insure that on insert a unique sequential value is stored in the row.
      • isPrimaryKey

        public boolean isPrimaryKey()
        PUBLIC: Answer whether the receiver is a primary key. If the table has a multipart primary key this should be set in each field.
      • isUnique

        public boolean isUnique()
        PUBLIC: Answer whether the receiver is a unique constraint field.
      • setAdditional

        public void setAdditional​(java.lang.String string)
        PUBLIC: Set any additional information about this field to be given when the table is created.
      • setConstraint

        public void setConstraint​(java.lang.String string)
        PUBLIC: Set any constraint of this field. i.e. "BETWEEN 0 AND 1000000".
      • setForeignKeyFieldName

        public void setForeignKeyFieldName​(java.lang.String foreignKeyFieldName)
      • setIsIdentity

        public void setIsIdentity​(boolean value)
        PUBLIC: Set whether the receiver is an identity field. Identity fields are Sybase specific, they insure that on insert a unique sequential value is stored in the row.
      • setIsPrimaryKey

        public void setIsPrimaryKey​(boolean value)
        PUBLIC: Set whether the receiver is a primary key. If the table has a multipart primary key this should be set in each field.
      • setName

        public void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        PUBLIC: Set the name of the field.
      • setDatabaseField

        public void setDatabaseField​(DatabaseField field)
        INTERNAL: Set the DatabaseField that is associated to this FieldDefinition object. The databaesField is used when extending tables to see if this field already exists.
      • setShouldAllowNull

        public void setShouldAllowNull​(boolean value)
        PUBLIC: Set whether the receiver should allow null values.
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(int size)
        PUBLIC: Set the size of the field, this is only required for some field types.
      • setSubSize

        public void setSubSize​(int subSize)
        PUBLIC: Set the sub-size of the field. This is used as the decimal precision for numeric values only.
      • setType

        public void setType​(java.lang.Class type)
        PUBLIC: Set the type of the field. This should be set to a java class, such as String.class, Integer.class or Date.class.
      • setTypeName

        public void setTypeName​(java.lang.String typeName)
        PUBLIC: Set the type name of the field. This is the generic database type name, which can be used instead of the Java class 'type'. This is translated to a particular database type based on platform.
      • setTypeDefinition

        public void setTypeDefinition​(java.lang.String typeDefinition)
        PUBLIC: Set the type definition of the field. This is database-specific complete type definition like "VARCHAR2(50) UNIQUE NOT NULL". If this is given, other additional type constraint fields(size, unique, null) are meaningless.
      • setUnique

        public void setUnique​(boolean value)
        PUBLIC: Set whether the receiver is a unique constraint field.
      • shouldAllowNull

        public boolean shouldAllowNull()
        PUBLIC: Return whether the receiver should allow null values.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object