Class EISDOMRecord

    • Field Detail

      • record

        protected jakarta.resource.cci.Record record
        The original adapter record.
      • recordName

        protected String recordName
        The record name.
      • recordShortDescription

        protected String recordShortDescription
        The record name.
      • domMethod

        protected static Method domMethod
        Used for introspected DOM records.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EISDOMRecord

        public EISDOMRecord()
        Default constructor.
      • EISDOMRecord

        public EISDOMRecord​(jakarta.resource.cci.Record record,
                            Element dom)
        Create a TopLink record from the JCA adapter record and DOM tree.
      • EISDOMRecord

        public EISDOMRecord​(Element dom)
        Create a TopLink record from a DOM tree.
      • EISDOMRecord

        public EISDOMRecord​(jakarta.resource.cci.Record record)
        Create a TopLink record from the JCA adapter record. This attempts to introspect the record to retrieve the DOM tree.
    • Method Detail

      • getRecord

        public jakarta.resource.cci.Record getRecord()
        Return the JCA adapter record.
      • setRecord

        public void setRecord​(jakarta.resource.cci.Record record)
        Set the JCA adapter record.
      • getRecordShortDescription

        public String getRecordShortDescription()
        Forward to the record.
        Specified by:
        getRecordShortDescription in interface jakarta.resource.cci.Record
      • setRecordShortDescription

        public void setRecordShortDescription​(String recordShortDescription)
        Forward to the record.
        Specified by:
        setRecordShortDescription in interface jakarta.resource.cci.Record
      • getRecordName

        public String getRecordName()
        Forward to the record.
        Specified by:
        getRecordName in interface jakarta.resource.cci.Record
      • setRecordName

        public void setRecordName​(String recordName)
        Forward to the record.
        Specified by:
        setRecordName in interface jakarta.resource.cci.Record
      • buildNestedRow

        public XMLRecord buildNestedRow​(Element element)
        INTERNAL: Build the nested record, this can be overwriten by subclasses to use their subclass instance.
        buildNestedRow in class DOMRecord