Class EISOrderedCollectionChangeRecord

    • Constructor Detail

      • EISOrderedCollectionChangeRecord

        public EISOrderedCollectionChangeRecord​(ObjectChangeSet owner,
                                                String attributeName,
                                                DatabaseMapping mapping)
        Construct a ChangeRecord that can be used to represent the changes to an ordered collection.
    • Method Detail

      • addAddedChangeSet

        public void addAddedChangeSet​(Object changeSet,
                                      int index)
        Add an added change set.
      • addMovedChangeSet

        public void addMovedChangeSet​(Object changeSet,
                                      int oldIndex,
                                      int newIndex)
        Add an moved change set.
      • addRemovedChangeSet

        public void addRemovedChangeSet​(Object changeSet,
                                        int index)
        Add an removed change set.
      • getAdds

        public List getAdds()
        ADVANCED: Return the entries for all the elements added to the new collection. The contents of this collection is determined by the mapping that populated it
        Specified by:
        getAdds in interface EISOrderedCollectionChangeRecord
      • getMoveIndexPairs

        public int[][] getMoveIndexPairs()
        ADVANCED: Return the indexes of the elements that were simply moved within the collection. Each element in the outer array is another two-element array where the first entry [0] is the index of the object in the old collection and the second entry [1] is the index of the object in the new collection. These two indexes can be equal.
        Specified by:
        getMoveIndexPairs in interface EISOrderedCollectionChangeRecord
      • getMoves

        public List getMoves()
        ADVANCED: Return the entries for all the elements that were simply shuffled within the collection. The contents of this collection is determined by the mapping that populated it
        Specified by:
        getMoves in interface EISOrderedCollectionChangeRecord
      • getNewCollection

        public List getNewCollection()
        ADVANCED: Return the entries for all the elements in the new collection. The contents of this collection is determined by the mapping that populated it
        Specified by:
        getNewCollection in interface EISOrderedCollectionChangeRecord
      • getRemoves

        public List getRemoves()
        ADVANCED: Return the entries for all the elements removed from the old collection. The contents of this collection is determined by the mapping that populated it
        Specified by:
        getRemoves in interface EISOrderedCollectionChangeRecord
      • simpleAddChangeSet

        public void simpleAddChangeSet​(Object changeSet)
        Add a change set after it has been applied.
      • simpleRemoveChangeSet

        public void simpleRemoveChangeSet​(Object changeSet)
        Remove a change set after it has been applied.