Class ClassTypeExpression

    • Field Detail

      • field

        protected DatabaseField field
        Cache the aliased field. Only applies to attributes.
      • aliasedField

        protected DatabaseField aliasedField
        Cache the aliased field. Only applies to attributes.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassTypeExpression

        public ClassTypeExpression​(Expression base)
      • ClassTypeExpression

        public ClassTypeExpression()
    • Method Detail

      • typeValueFromObject

        public Object typeValueFromObject​(Object object,
                                          AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL This method returns the inheritance field value for an object to conform in an in-memory query. Similar to getFieldValue, but deals with an instance rather than a Class object directly
      • validateNode

        public void validateNode()
        Description copied from class: Expression
        INTERNAL: Do any required validation for this node. Throw an exception for any incorrect constructs.
        validateNode in class Expression
      • valueFromObject

        public Object valueFromObject​(Object object,
                                      AbstractSession session,
                                      AbstractRecord translationRow,
                                      int valueHolderPolicy,
                                      boolean isObjectUnregistered)
        INTERNAL: Return the value for in memory comparison. This is only valid for value expressions. Pulled from QueryKeyExpression valueFromObject
        valueFromObject in class Expression
        isObjectUnregistered - true if object possibly not a clone, but is being conformed against the unit of work cache.
      • getFieldValue

        public Object getFieldValue​(Object objectValue,
                                    AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Transform the object-level value into a database-level value objectValue is a Class or collection of Class objects and the returned value is the database representation Example: ObjectValue=LargeProject returns "L".
        getFieldValue in class Expression
      • getContainingDescriptor

        public ClassDescriptor getContainingDescriptor()
        INTERNAL: Like QueryKeyExpression, return the descriptor for the class type used, null if one can't be determined yet. Should only be called when a session is already set.
        getContainingDescriptor in class DataExpression
      • getContainingDescriptor

        public ClassDescriptor getContainingDescriptor​(ObjectLevelReadQuery query)
        INTERNAL: Return the descriptor for the base expression. This is used in ReportItem when building the return value (a class), as none of the expressions will have a session.
      • normalize

        public Expression normalize​(ExpressionNormalizer normalizer,
                                    Vector foreignKeyJoinPointer)
        INTERNAL: For CR#2456 if this is part of an objExp.equal(objExp), do not need to add additional expressions to normalizer both times, and the foreign key join replaces the equal expression.
      • initializeAliasedField

        protected void initializeAliasedField()
        INTERNAL: Alias the database field for our current environment
      • getAliasedTable

        protected DatabaseTable getAliasedTable()
        Return the alias for our table
      • twistedForBaseAndContext

        public Expression twistedForBaseAndContext​(Expression newBase,
                                                   Expression context,
                                                   Expression oldBase)
        Description copied from class: Expression
        INTERNAL: Rebuild myself against the base, with the values of parameters supplied by the context expression. This is used for transforming a standalone expression (e.g. the join criteria of a mapping) into part of some larger expression. You normally would not call this directly, instead calling twist See the comment there for more details"
        twistedForBaseAndContext in class Expression