Class CacheIdentityMap

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, IdentityMap

    public class CacheIdentityMap
    extends FullIdentityMap

    Purpose: A fixed size LRU cache

    Using a linked list as well as the map from the superclass a LRU cache is maintained. When a get is executed the LRU list is updated and when a new object is inserted the object at the start of the list is deleted (provided the maxSize has been reached).


    • Guarantees identity through primary key values
    • Keeps the LRU linked list updated.
    TOPLink/Java 1.0
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • first

        protected LinkedCacheKey first
        Provide handles on the linked list
      • last

        protected LinkedCacheKey last
        Provide handles on the linked list
    • Method Detail

      • ensureFixedSize

        protected void ensureFixedSize()
        Reduces the size of the receiver down to the maxSize removing objects from the start of the linked list.
      • getCacheKey

        public CacheKey getCacheKey​(Object primaryKeys,
                                    boolean forMerge)
        Access the object within the table for the given primaryKey. Move the accessed key to the top of the order keys linked list to maintain LRU.
        Specified by:
        getCacheKey in interface IdentityMap
        getCacheKey in class FullIdentityMap
        primaryKeys - is the primary key for the object to search for.
        the LinkedCacheKey or null if none found for primaryKey
      • insertLink

        protected LinkedCacheKey insertLink​(LinkedCacheKey key)
        Insert a new element into the linked list of LinkedCacheKeys. New elements (Recently Used) are added at the end (last). Callers of this method must synchronize on the start of the list (this.first).
        the added LinkedCacheKey
      • removeLink

        protected LinkedCacheKey removeLink​(LinkedCacheKey key)
        Remove the LinkedCacheKey from the linked list. Callers of this method must synchronize on the start of the list (this.first).
        the removed LinkedCacheKey.
      • updateMaxSize

        public void updateMaxSize​(int maxSize)
        INTERNAL: This method will be used to update the max cache size, any objects exceeding the max cache size will be remove from the cache. Please note that this does not remove the object from the identityMap, except in the case of the CacheIdentityMap.
        Specified by:
        updateMaxSize in interface IdentityMap
        updateMaxSize in class AbstractIdentityMap