Class InNode

  • public class InNode
    extends SimpleConditionalExpressionNode

    Purpose: Represent an IN in EJBQL


    • Generate the correct expression for an IN
    TopLink 4.0
    Jon Driscoll and Joel Lucuik
    • Constructor Detail

      • InNode

        public InNode()
        InNode constructor comment.
    • Method Detail

      • addNodeToTheObjects

        public void addNodeToTheObjects​(Node theNode)
        INTERNAL Add the passed node value to the collection of object for this node
      • validate

        public void validate​(ParseTreeContext context)
        INTERNAL Validate the current node and calculates its type.
        validate in class Node
      • getTheObjects

        public List getTheObjects()
        INTERNAL Return the collection of the objects used as parameters for this node
      • setIsListParameterOrSubquery

        public void setIsListParameterOrSubquery​(boolean isListParameterOrSubquery)
        INTERNAL: This method is called to indicate that the inNode has a single argument. This will be either a subquery or a single parameter that contains the list of items to test
        isListParameterOrSubquery -
      • setTheObjects

        public void setTheObjects​(List newTheObjects)
        INTERNAL Set this node's object collection to the passed value
      • indicateNot

        public void indicateNot()
        INTERNAL Indicate if a NOT was found in the WHERE clause. Examples: ...WHERE ... NOT IN(...)
      • notIndicated

        public boolean notIndicated()