Class ParseTree

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ParseTree
    extends Object

    Purpose: A ParseTree contains Node(s). This contains a root Node and provides traversal utilities.


    • Add parameters to the query
    • Generate an expression for the query
    • Answer true if the tree has parameters
    • Maintain the primary class name for the query
    • Maintain the root of the parse tree
    • Maintain the context for the parse tree
    • Maintain the distinct state for the parse tree
    • Print the contents of the parse tree on a string
    TopLink 4.0
    Jon Driscoll and Joel Lucuik
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParseTree

        public ParseTree()
        Return a new ParseTree.
    • Method Detail

      • createDatabaseQuery

        public DatabaseQuery createDatabaseQuery()
        INTERNAL Returns a DatabaseQuery instance for this ParseTree.
      • adjustReferenceClassForQuery

        public void adjustReferenceClassForQuery​(DatabaseQuery theQuery,
                                                 GenerationContext generationContext)
        INTERNAL Adjust the reference class of the passed query if necessary Need to test this for Employee, employee.getAddress(), report query
      • initBaseExpression

        public void initBaseExpression​(ObjectLevelReadQuery theQuery,
                                       GenerationContext generationContext)
        INTERNAL Initialize the base expression in the generation context.
      • initBaseExpression

        public void initBaseExpression​(ModifyAllQuery theQuery,
                                       GenerationContext generationContext)
        INTERNAL Initialize the base expression in the generation context.
      • validate

        public void validate​(TypeHelper typeHelper)
        INTERNAL Validate the parse tree.
      • validate

        public void validate​(ParseTreeContext context)
        INTERNAL Validate the parse tree.
      • qualifyAttributeAccess

        protected void qualifyAttributeAccess​(ParseTreeContext context)
        INTERNAL This method handles any unqualified field access in bulk UPDATE and DELETE statements. A UPDATE or DELETE statement may not define an identification variable. In this case any field accessed from the current class is not qualified with an identification variable, e.g. UPDATE Customer SET name = :newname The method goes through the expressions of the SET clause and the WHERE clause of such an DELETE and UPDATE statement and qualifies the field access using the abstract schema name as qualifier.
      • addUpdatesToQuery

        public void addUpdatesToQuery​(UpdateAllQuery theQuery,
                                      GenerationContext generationContext)
        INTERNAL Add the updates to the passed query
      • addParametersToQuery

        public void addParametersToQuery​(DatabaseQuery query)
        INTERNAL Add parameters to the query
      • applyQueryNodeToQuery

        public void applyQueryNodeToQuery​(DatabaseQuery theQuery,
                                          GenerationContext generationContext)
        INTERNAL Apply the select or update to the passed query. If there is a single attribute being selected, add it to the query result set If an aggregate is being used, add it to the query result set
      • buildContextForReadQuery

        public GenerationContext buildContextForReadQuery​(AbstractSession sessionForContext)
        INTERNAL Build the context to be used when generating the expression from the parse tree
      • getContext

        public ParseTreeContext getContext()
        Return the context for this parse tree
      • getFromNode

        public FromNode getFromNode()
        INTERNAL Return the FROM Node
      • getClassLoader

        public ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        INTERNAL Return a class loader
      • getOrderByNode

        public OrderByNode getOrderByNode()
        INTERNAL Return the OrderByNode
      • getGroupByNode

        public GroupByNode getGroupByNode()
        INTERNAL Return the GroupByNode
      • getHavingNode

        public HavingNode getHavingNode()
        INTERNAL Return the HavingNode
      • getReferenceClass

        public Class getReferenceClass​(DatabaseQuery query,
                                       GenerationContext generationContext)
        getReferenceClass(): Answer the class which will be the reference class for the query. Resolve this using the node parsed from the "SELECT" of the EJBQL query string
      • getQueryNode

        public QueryNode getQueryNode()
        INTERNAL Return the root node for the tree
      • getSetNode

        public SetNode getSetNode()
        INTERNAL Return the set node for the tree
      • getWhereNode

        public WhereNode getWhereNode()
        INTERNAL Return the Where node
      • getDistinctState

        public short getDistinctState()
        INTERNAL Return the DISTINCT state for the tree
      • hasOrderBy

        public boolean hasOrderBy()
        INTERNAL Does this EJBQL have an Ordering Clause
      • hasGroupBy

        public boolean hasGroupBy()
        INTERNAL Does this EJBQL have a Grouping Clause
      • hasHaving

        public boolean hasHaving()
        INTERNAL Does this EJBQL have a Having Clause
      • setClassLoader

        public void setClassLoader​(ClassLoader loader)
        INTERNAL: Set the class loader for this parse tree
        loader -
      • setContext

        public void setContext​(ParseTreeContext newContext)
        INTERNAL Set the context for this parse tree
      • setFromNode

        public void setFromNode​(FromNode fromNode)
        INTERNAL Set the FROM node for the query
      • setOrderByNode

        public void setOrderByNode​(OrderByNode newOrderByNode)
        INTERNAL Set the Order by node
      • setGroupByNode

        public void setGroupByNode​(GroupByNode newGroupByNode)
        INTERNAL Set the Group by node
      • setHavingNode

        public void setHavingNode​(HavingNode newHavingNode)
        INTERNAL Set the Having node
      • setQueryNode

        public void setQueryNode​(QueryNode newQueryNode)
        INTERNAL Set the Select node
      • setSetNode

        public void setSetNode​(SetNode newSetNode)
        INTERNAL Set the Where node
      • setWhereNode

        public void setWhereNode​(WhereNode newWhereNode)
        INTERNAL Set the Where node
      • setDistinctState

        public void setDistinctState​(short newDistinctState)
        INTERNAL Set the DISTINCT state for the tree
      • toString

        public String toString()
        INTERNAL Print the contents of the parse tree on a string
        toString in class Object
      • verifySelect

        public void verifySelect​(DatabaseQuery theQuery,
                                 GenerationContext generationContext)
        INTERNAL Verify that the alias in the SELECT is valid. Invalid: SELECT OBJECT(badAlias) FROM Employee employee.... Valid: SELECT OBJECT(employee) FROM Employee employee....
      • usesDistinct

        public boolean usesDistinct()
        INTERNAL Answer true if DISTINCT has been chosen.