Interface UnmarshalNamespaceResolver

    • Method Detail

      • getNamespaceURI

        String getNamespaceURI​(String prefix)
        Return the namespace URI for the specified prefix at the current scope.
      • getPrefix

        String getPrefix​(String namespaceURI)
        Return the prefix for the specified namesapce URI at the current scope.
      • push

        void push​(String prefix,
                  String namespaceURI)
        Associate a prefix and a namespace URI. Note that this will override any previous associations for the specified prefix until a corresponding "pop" call is made for this prefix.
      • pop

        void pop​(String prefix)
        Remove the last declared namespace URI binding for this prefix. Note this will reveal the previous namespace URI binding for this prefix if there was one.
      • getPrefixes

        Set<String> getPrefixes()
        Return the set of prefixes currently associated with a namespace URI.