Class ReportItem

    • Field Detail

      • attributeExpression

        protected Expression attributeExpression
        Expression (partial) describing the attribute wanted
      • name

        protected String name
        Name given for item, can be used to retrieve value from result. Useful if same field retrieved multiple times
      • mapping

        protected DatabaseMapping mapping
        Mapping which relates field to attribute, used to convert value and determine reference descriptor
      • descriptor

        protected ClassDescriptor descriptor
        Descriptor for object result that is not based on an expression
      • resultType

        protected Class resultType
        Result type for this report item.
      • joinedAttributeManager

        protected JoinedAttributeManager joinedAttributeManager
        Stores the Join information for this item
      • resultIndex

        protected int resultIndex
        Stores the row index for this item, given multiple results and joins
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReportItem

        public ReportItem()
      • ReportItem

        public ReportItem​(String name,
                          Expression attributeExpression)
    • Method Detail

      • getAttributeExpression

        public Expression getAttributeExpression()
      • setAttributeExpression

        public void setAttributeExpression​(Expression attributeExpression)
      • getJoinedAttributeManager

        public JoinedAttributeManager getJoinedAttributeManager()
        INTERNAL: Set the list of expressions that represent elements that are joined because of their mapping for this query.
      • hasJoining

        public boolean hasJoining()
        INTERNAL: Return if any attributes are joined. To avoid the initialization of the JoinedAttributeManager this should be first checked before accessing.
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • getResultIndex

        public int getResultIndex()
      • getResultType

        public Class getResultType()
      • isConstructorItem

        public boolean isConstructorItem()
      • setDescriptor

        public void setDescriptor​(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      • setResultIndex

        public void setResultIndex​(int resultIndex)
      • setResultType

        public void setResultType​(Class resultType)