Interface ArrayCollectionMapping

    • Method Detail

      • buildAddedElementFromChangeSet

        Object buildAddedElementFromChangeSet​(Object changeSet,
                                              MergeManager mergeManager,
                                              AbstractSession targetSession)
        Build and return a newly-added element based on the change set.
      • buildElementFromElement

        Object buildElementFromElement​(Object element,
                                       MergeManager mergeManager,
                                       AbstractSession targetSession)
        Build and return a new element based on the specified element.
      • buildRemovedElementFromChangeSet

        Object buildRemovedElementFromChangeSet​(Object changeSet,
                                                MergeManager mergeManager,
                                                AbstractSession targetSession)
        Build and return a recently-removed element based on the change set.
      • compareElements

        boolean compareElements​(Object element1,
                                Object element2,
                                AbstractSession session)
        Compare the non-null elements and return true if they are alike.
      • compareElementsForChange

        boolean compareElementsForChange​(Object element1,
                                         Object element2,
                                         AbstractSession session)
        Compare the non-null elements and return true if they are alike. This is used to build a change record.
      • getAttributeName

        String getAttributeName()
        Return the mapping's attribute name.
      • getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject

        Object getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject​(Object object,
                                                         AbstractSession session)
        Return the attribute value from the specified object, unwrapping the value holder if necessary. If the value is null, build a new container.
      • mapKeyHasChanged

        boolean mapKeyHasChanged​(Object element,
                                 AbstractSession session)
        Return whether the element's user-defined Map key has changed since it was cloned from the original version.
      • setRealAttributeValueInObject

        void setRealAttributeValueInObject​(Object object,
                                           Object attributeValue)
        Set the attribute value for the specified object, wrapping it in a value holder if necessary.